Implementing the new ADST (Applied Design, Skills and Technologies) Curriculum The Applied Design, Skills, and Technologies curriculum builds on students’ natural curiosity, inventiveness, and desire to create and work in practical ways. The ability to design and make, acquire skills as needed, and apply technologies is important in the world today and a key aspect… Read more »
Category: Uncategorized
Mustang Moments April 13th
Honoring Humboldt The School District wore jerseys on Thursday to honor the tragic loss of the Humboldt Community. Final Dance PL3Y Show The whole school participated in the final dance show on Thursday afternoon celebrating all of the moves they learned over the week. It was so much fun! Thank you to all of the… Read more »
Mustang Moments April 6th
DANCEPL3Y DANCEPL3Y (dance-play) KIDS is a high-energy kids physical activity program that “plays” with dance while promoting positive mental health through the 3 Rules of PL3Y: Be Positive. Be Fun. Be Yourself. Kids love learning simple moves from a variety of styles – Hip Hop, Urban, Ballroom, Bollywood, Lyrical, Jazz/Funk as they get interACTIVE with… Read more »
Mustang Moments March 16th
Reading Link Challenge Monday afternoon our three school teams participated in the school based reading link challenge to see who would move to the next district challenge held against other schools. The competition was so close as all of the students knew their books so well! But one team did have the most points in… Read more »
Mustang Moments March 9th
Grade 5 Basketball This weeks game saw both the girls and the boys winning against Lynn Fripps! So proud of how hard they played. Axe Capoeira Capoeira is an Afro-Brazilian martial art developed in the 1500s by African and Indigenous slaves in Brazil as a form of self-defence. The performers shared Brazilian instruments, stories, and… Read more »
Mustang Moments March 2nd
Diversity and Respect Week This year the school district has decided to build upon pink shirt day and have a week of activities around kindness. Of course we do this all year long but having it in the forefront of our minds for a week was important. Classes read stories and did lessons all week… Read more »
Mustang Moments February 22nd
Michael Bortolotto Michael Bortolotto, is a successful professional speaker who lives with Cerebral Palsy. For the past twenty-two years people of all ages have been inspired, motivated, educated, and entertained by his “CAN DO” attitude. By using real life experiences and examples, Michael encourages and persuades his audience to rethink, what they may believe is impossible to… Read more »
Mustang Moments February 16th
Valentine’s Day Valentine’s Day is always a lovely way for classes to celebrate friendship. Various activities happened around the school including art activities, friendship salads, exchanging of cards and more. MOOSC Breakfast A special start to the day in our onsite daycare. Yum! Basketball This Wednesday the Grade 5 boys and girls both had their… Read more »
Mustang Moments February 9th
Inline skating We are happy to welcome back Tyler from Coastal Inline Skating. Every year our kids learn new skills and have more fun! Tyler was here all of this week and will be back next week as well. Thank you to all of the parents who have been able to come out and help… Read more »
Mustang Moments February 2nd
Moon Phases After Mrs. O’Keefe’s class learned about the phases of the moon they experimented with Oreo cookies to see which moon phases they could make! Yum! Groundhog Day Mrs. Puffer’s class had a great day celebrating Groundhog day! The kids made predictions about whether or not he would see his shadow (he did), they… Read more »