Principal’s Message The BC K to grade 12 curriculum has over-riding core competencies of personal-social, communication and thinking skills. As found on the Ministry of Education site, The Core Competencies are sets of intellectual, personal, and social and emotional proficiencies that all students need in order to engage in deep, lifelong learning. Along with literacy… Read more »
Category: Uncategorized
September 13
Principal’s Message: It has been another great week at Langley Meadows Community School. Students have been settling into classroom routines, making new friendships and working hard. Our youngest learners have completed gradual entry and are moving looking forward to Monday, a full day in kindergarten. Our oldest learners have signed up to be leaders in… Read more »
September 6, 2019
Principal’s Message: At the end of today, our students had a 25 minutes visit to their enrolling classes. They have come home with a note indicating their division, teacher and room number. On Monday it is the real thing! Please bring your child to their new classroom door for the 2019-2020 school year. If you purchased… Read more »
August 28, 2019
Welcome Back! Another summer has come and gone but the excitement and anticipation of a new school year takes its place. Custodial and maintenance staff worked with diligence to ready Langley Meadows Community School for the school year. We are excited to welcome all of our families to the school. It’s been a… Read more »
Mustang Moments June 21st
Kilometer Club So proud of all of the kids who committed to running each recess and lunch for a three week period! Many of our students reached their goal of running a half marathon and others reached the goal of a full marathon. Woohoo!! Many of our teachers also completed half and full marathons. A… Read more »
Mustang Moments June 14th
Art Creations A beautiful creation for Mrs. Boyce from two of her kids :O) Catapults Mrs. Osborne’s class was busy creating catapults for the Applied Design Skills and Technology curriculum – they had to design their prototype, test it out and then redesign. The testing it out was the fun part!! I heard Mrs. Osborne… Read more »
Mustang Moments June 7th
Staff Appreciation Luncheon What a treat to be able to sit and chat as a staff and be pampered by all of you! A big thank you to Lisa Briggs for organizing this event for our staff and thank you to all of the parents who took the time to make something for our luncheon…. Read more »
Mustang Moments May 31st
Trip to the Zoo Some of our students had a trip to the zoo this week, a great day was had by all exploring the animals. Book Café Today Division 10’s classroom was transformed into a Book Tasting Café. Students were able to sample various books from different genres such as poetry, biographies, graphic novels… Read more »
Mustang Moments May 24th
Community Helpers Division 13 had a visit from Cst. Kennard, our school liaison officer, who talked with the kids about his role in our community. Cupcake Sale This week the PAC organized a cupcake sale for one of our teachers family who is fighting against cancer. The sale was a huge success and raised over… Read more »
Mustang Moments May 17th
Water Pollution Division 14 inquiring about water pollution – they showed how even though we can try to clean up the messes we make, we still have an impact on the environment. Vancouver Theatre Sports Our final Art Start Performance of the year was this week and it was a great way to end the… Read more »