Category: Uncategorized

Mustang Moments June 9th

Track Meet The Grade 4 and 5 students represented LMCS at the district track meet this week and they did a great job! A huge thank you to Mrs. Erickson for making the day happen. Thank you to Mrs. Brenneman and Coach Ryk for helping the day of. Great pictures from Coach Ryk as well!… Read more »

Mustang Moments June 2nd

Cricket We are very lucky to have one of our parents teaching our gym classes how to play cricket. Not a sport that we usually know much about so a great opportunity to broaden our horizons! Thank you for all of the time that you are spending with our school. School Liaison Officer We are… Read more »

Mustang Moments May 26th

Fun Farm This farm is appropriately named as the kids and staff did have fun! Yorkson Visit This week the grade 5’s spent the morning at Yorkson becoming familiar with the school they will call home in September. The kids had a great time and hopefully the visit will help alleviate some worries. Spirit Day… Read more »

Mustang Moments May 19th

1.Welcome Mrs. Gilroy We are pleased to welcome Mrs. Gilroy as a teacher Librarian with us for the rest of the year. She will be in the library a few days each week and we are so happy to have her join our school. 2.Bannock Making Coach Ryk made bannock bison meat tacos with the… Read more »

Mustang Moments May 12th

Heritage Fair Langley Meadows students presented their Heritage Fair projects this week at the provincial Heritage Fair at The University of the Fraser Valley. We were proud to have them represent our school with such meaningful projects based on topics like Women and the Vote, the Canadian Space Arm,  the RCMP, Canadian Coins, Chris Hadfield,… Read more »

Mustang Moments May 5th

1.Kilometer club This week we started our annual Kilometer club activity at recess and lunch. Students run the track collecting a popsicle stick for each lap which is recorded in class in the hopes of completing a half or full marathon over a three week period. Students who complete a half marathon receive a certificate… Read more »

Mustang Moments April 28th

1.Plant Week The students in division 13 have had a busy week learning all about plants! These new botanists understand plants needs and are able to label a plant diagram. Throughout the week, they were given the opportunity to present a plant to their classmates and teach some facts about their chosen plant. We even… Read more »

Mustang Moments April 21st

1.LMCS Speech Festival We had a great afternoon of speeches from students across the grades. Judges, Mrs. Anderson, Mrs. Zazelenchuk and Mr. Reeve, had a difficult time choosing two candidates from each category to represent our school at the semi final event held today at Yorkson Creek Middle School. Participating students from Grade 2 were:… Read more »

Mustang Moments April 13th

1.Heritage Fair For 23 years, the Heritage Fair program in Canada has been challenging students to celebrate Canada’s heritage through the creation of history projects. This year students in grade 5 at LMCS took part for the first time. It was a great learning experience for all, staff included! The kids presented outstanding projects and… Read more »

Mustang Moment April 10th

1. Fraser Valley Families Centennial Museum: Div. 12 learned about the basic needs for all human beings of shelter, food, clothes, transportation and fun. It doesn’t matter when you lived. These are the basic needs! They learned about the First Nation shelters and transportation, their food and how it was caught and prepared, and the… Read more »

Langley Meadows Community School

2244 - Willoughby Way, Langley
BC, V2Y 1C1
Phone: 604-530-4101
Fax: 604-530-3751