December 7, 2019
Principal’s Message
The hallways and classrooms are decked, the songs for the concert are being sung each day and students are reading and writing about Christmas. Tis the season to be jolly… or maybe not. While Christmas can be the most wonderful time of the year, it can also be a stressor for some of our students. Lots of extra events in classrooms and in the community can mean that routine, bedtimes and nutritious eating are impacted. The expectation of abundance in all things at Christmas can put a financial, time and emotional resources of families. Children feel this vicariously.
And for some households, Christmas is a time of year when a loss has been experienced and they find themselves revisiting sad emotions. They may feel badly being happy while a sadness is being felt by family members, or they may feel grief in the midst of the tinsel and joy around them.
Supporting our students through the holidays, at home and at school, is a responsibility and challenged for the adults working with them. At school, we downplay the gift giving conversations as different families have different budgets. We focus on traditions, family, and less commercial ways to celebrate. We work hard to keep as many of the routines and structures in place for children so that they can know what is expected and feel safe within those expectations. Staff encourage students to eat their lunches before any treats and appreciate it when you keep the extra candy at home, rather than sending it to school. We head outside for body breaks, recesses and lunch time play to make sure students are getting fresh air and physical activity. As the holidays get closer, we have quiet spaces in our building for students to have some time to colour, play with a simple game and catch their breath in a quieter environment. For students who may be grieving or struggling with changes, we like to connect with parents and see if a counselling referral is helpful.
Parents also help students mitigate the stressors of the season at home. Bedtimes are kept firm during the week so that students are well-rested. Treats are limited and kept as special, as opposed to a daily expectation. Time together in the busy-ness, along with fresh air and physical activity support children at any time of the year.
If your family is facing a particular stressor this year, such as a job loss, the passing of a loved one, changes in family structure, or other new event, you may wish to let your classroom teacher or myself know so that we can be individually supportive to your child.
Together, we can make the holidays bright!
Beth Cairnie, Principal
Week at a Glance
Date | Events |
Monday | Crosswalk students - meeting at lunchtime in the gym Division 16 - Christmas at Lochiel |
Tuesday | Staff Luncheon - Thank you Parents!!! Division 19 - Christmas at Lochiel |
Wednesday | Santa Sale and Raffle Lunch time student monitoring meeting in gym Division 18 Christmas at Lochiel |
Thursday | Division 17 Christmas as Lochiel |
Friday | PJ Day Popcorn Movie Fest |
Learning This Week
The week has been a full one with a great trip to Science World for our grade 4 and 5 students, along with trips to Lochiel School House for several divisions to learn about holiday traditions from over one hundred years ago.
Division 19 had a very eventful day on Thursday! They made this most delicious gingerbread house, but somehow it escaped! The afternoon was spent following the clues and searching the school to locate the runaway gingerbread man. He was finally found in Mrs. Wendell’s class. Phew!

Ms. Keeley’s grade 1 and 2 students were busy also this week. As part of exploring measurement, the kids collaborated to make a Christmas chain. They wanted to see if it was longer than the whole class… and it was!

Christmas Concert
Tickets were sent home at the end of the week. Please note that you need these to attend any of the performances and they are checked at the door. A donation of a non-perishable food item is a great help toward our Christmas Spirit of Giving.
For the evening concert, the doors open at 5:00 pm. Please do not send your child to the classroom before this time as the room may be locked and there is no supervision.
All additional concert tickets will be allocated by random draw early in the week.
Are you able to help as a runner for one of our shows? This role involves working with students to send for the “next class” performing. Please email Mrs. Cairnie at
Parking around our School
Mornings and afternoons can be hairy as we all converge to pick up or drop off. Please be mindful of our neighbours. We have heard of a few complaints to the RCMP about parent vehicles parking across driveways so that our neighbours can’t drive in or out of their driveways. Thank you for your consideration.
Spirit of Giving Food Drive
Our students have been busy organizing the food for our Spirit of Giving Food Drive. We are so inspired by their diligence and commitment.
Thank you for the overwhelming response to support our food campaign. It is great to see so many contributions. This is our last week for the drive, with Friday being the last day.
Students in Kindergarten and grade one bring BREAKFAST items. For example:
-pancake mix
-breakfast bars
-hot chocolate
Students in grades two and three are asked to bring LUNCH items. For example:
-canned or dry soup
-macaroni and cheese
-canned fruit
-juice boxes
Students in grades four and five are asked to bring in DINNER items. For example:
-canned vegetables and fruit
-canned fish
– stew
– pasta
-rice or side dishes
– pasta sauce
-cranberry sauce
-dessert items
Other items that are always welcome regardless of grade include:
- Foil Roasting Pans
- Paper napkins
- Paper towels
- Dish soap
- Toilet paper
- Tissues
- Chocolates
- Candles
- Cookies
- Christmas Candy
Thank you for your support who would benefit from our generosity. We can make this holiday season special for others while modeling to our own students and children what it means to be a caring community!
Report Cards
Our grade 1-5 students along with students with an IEP received their report cards through the Parent Portal of MyEdBC. If you have not yet confirmed your access to this, you are strongly encouraged to do so as soon as possible. Report Cards will be released by 4 pm on Friday. Here are some helpful links for you to ensure you are set up.
Family Portal (Poster-Updated)
Annual PJ and Movie Day
This is coming soon! A parent permission sheet will go home early this week so that you and your child can plan which movie to attend. Please note that we cannot Please return these by Friday, December 13.
Over the last three weeks all students in Grades 4-12 have been introduced to the erase Report It tool (erase = Expect Respect and a Safe Education). School staff took the time to teach students how and when to access this online resource. The erase Report It tool is an online, anonymous reporting tool where students can report anything that they find worrisome or concerning, directly to school safety staff via a secure, online platform. The reporting tool can be accessed at The link to this resource can be found on the District and school websites.
When a student submits a report, they will be guided through a set of questions where they will share the information they have about the worrisome behavior or incident. Examples of behaviours or incidents to report include:
Bullying/Cyberbullying Harassment
Social Media Sexting
Inappropriate Sexual Behaviour Concerns about Adults
Concerns about a School/Staff Racism/Discrimination
Drugs or Alcohol Weapons or Gang Activity
Threats Violence or Fighting
Mental Health Concern Suicide
Vandalism or Property Damage School Attack/Shooting
or anything else that is worrisome or concerning
The tool is designed to be completely anonymous. However, if the student wishes to be contacted by the safe school coordinator or other designates, they do have the option to submit their name. When submitting a report, students will be asked to acknowledge that the report entered is truthful. This significantly minimizes false reports. School staff have also stressed the importance of telling you, as trusted adults, their concerns as well. School staff adhere to strict policies to ensure your family’s private information is protected. Student safety and well-being is a top priority in our District.
The erase Report It tool is a powerful and effective tool that provides students with the opportunity to have their voice heard. The erase Report It tool will help reinforce the idea that we want students who see something, to say something, and we’ll do something!
In addition to the reporting aspect of the website, students can also access online counselling support. The website has a wealth of information for students, parents and staff on topics such as: mental health, substance use, online safety, and sexual orientation and gender identity. Access to these resources can be found within the full website or directly at
If you have questions, please contact the school.
Information About School Status During Inclement Weather
Snow closures and power outages are an annual occurrence in Langley School District. So where do you go to get information about the status of schools during periods of inclement weather? If you are able to access the internet via computer or smartphone, current information about Langley schools can be accessed on all school websites or Updates are also posted to Twitter @LangleySchools and Facebook at If you don’t have internet connectivity but your phone is working, call a relative or friend in an area that has not been affected by the storm and ask them to check the district website for you. Local radio stations are also informed of school status in Langley. Tune in to CKWX 1130AM, CKNW 980AM, Country Radio 107.1FM, Pulse 107.7 or CBC 690AM or 88.1FM for updates.
Please note that Langley District schools are all considered ‘open’ until a decision to close is required. Decisions on school closures are usually made by 6:30am. As always, it is a parent’s decision whether to send their child to school based on safety and individual circumstances. If you feel it is unsafe for you or your child to travel to or attend an open school for any reason, please keep your child home and report an absence to the school.
PAC News
Santa Sale:
The Santa Sale is on Wed Dec 18th. This is a great chance for your children to buy a gift or two for a loved one. Gifts range from .25-$3.00 an item. We need your donations of new and very good condition items (games, puzzles, decor items, toys, books, collectables, trinkets, jewellery, Christmas items…anything that would make a loving gift so long as it is in great condition. We also are looking for donations for our Raffle Sale. If you or someone you know would be willing to donate a gift card, gift basket or a new toy, please let us know. Please bring your donations to the trolley in the school foyer. Volunteers are needed all day on Dec 18th – sign up Santa Sale Sign Up
Raffle Tickets will be sale during the whole day on the Christmas Concert so bring your change to purchase tickets for a chance to win some amazing prizes, and help support our initiatives to purchase new furniture for the Learning Commons (Library) and materials for a Makerspace Lending Library for our classrooms to utilize. Please email if you can help sell Raffle tickets at any of the concert times. Thank you for your support!
Fun Lunch and Fun Snacks:
Email: langleymeadowsfunlunch@shaw.c Access Code: mustangs
Friday December 20 Kernels (Closes Tuesday December 17) (School Wide Movie day-this is a FREE PAC Sponsored item!)
Friday January 17th White Spot Day! (Closes Friday January 3)
Friday February 7th World Flair Day! (Closes Friday January 24)
Christmas Staff Appreciation Luncheon:
Tuesday Dec 17th-please email Lisa Briggs ( if you are interested in contributing to this special luncheon.
Cobbs Dough Raiser Program:
Langley Meadows is part of the Dough Raiser Program at Clayton Cobbs Bread. Mention Langley Meadows School when you purchase your items and 5% of your sale will come back to the school as a donation at the end of the year.
Join us on Facebook for reminders and updates and a place to connect with Langley Meadows School Families: **Make sure you go to the notifications tab and choose “All Posts” to be sure you see what we are posting.