December 13

December 14, 2019

Principal’s Message

What a wonder-full week we all enjoyed with more to come!  Thank you so much to our teachers, staff, students and Mrs. Fildes for gracing us with such a beautiful concert.  It truly feels like Christmas when the children sing.

We are so proud of our students and families for their generous giving of food in our Christmas Spirit of Giving.  We are able to provide full and generous hampers to 6 families in our community.

Our PAC continues to sell raffle tickets and have already raised $1200 for the Learning Commons Initiative.  Wow!  Please be sure to buy your tickets early this week at the office, as the raffle takes place following Wednesday’s Santa sale.

Our parents have also been so busy sorting and organizing such lovely donations for our Santa Sale.  Wednesday, please send your children to school with monies to purchase gifts.  The PAC section of this newsletter has more information.

Staff are so excited and grateful for the upcoming Christmas luncheon hosted by our community as a thank you to them.  Wow!  You make us feel special every day, and especially at Christmas.

Finally, Friday is promising to be a great day for our students.  We will be having our annual PJ, Popcorn and Movie Day.  Thank you so much to PAC for providing FREE kernels popcorn. Please note that you still need to order this for child, and details are below.  Also, as is the tradition at LMCS, we will be collecting donations on Friday for a special PJ fund for grieving mothers.  Monies go to buy a pair of pyjamas for a mother who has lost her child.

Langley Meadows, thank you for sharing from your heart and making so many spirits bright.  As we embark  on our final days of the 2019 school year, I am grateful to partner with you each day in this important work for our children.


Beth Cairnie, Principal

Week at a Glance

MondayCrosswalk students - meeting at lunchtime in the gym
Division 16 - Christmas at Lochiel
TuesdayStaff Luncheon - Thank you Parents!!!
Division 19 - Christmas at Lochiel
WednesdaySanta Sale and Raffle
Lunch time student monitoring meeting in gym
Division 18 Christmas at Lochiel
ThursdayDivision 17 Christmas as Lochiel
FridayPJ Day
Movie Fest

Christmas at Langley Meadows 

Staff set up early in the week for the concert.  Thanks team!


Students sing and perform – three concerts in one day!  Wow!


Report Cards

Report cards were published to the parent portal on Friday, December 13.  If you are having a difficult time accessing your report, please contact our office this week so that we can help you login.  Below are some of the other help sheets to support you.

Family Portal Parent

Family Portal (Poster-Updated)

Family Portal-Report Cards

`PAC News

Santa Sale and Raffle Sale: 

The Santa Sale is all day on Wednesday Dec 18th.  Gifts range from .25 – $3.00 an item and each class will have the opportunity to visit the Sale with their classroom at some point during the day.  Please send your child with a small amount of money if you would like them to have the chance to purchase a gift or two for a loved one.  The focus of this sale is to purchase a gift for someone else (not themselves), so if you could help communicate this to your children it would be appreciated!  If this is a financial hardship do speak with your classroom teacher so we can ensure every child has a chance to participate.  Volunteers are needed all day on Dec 18th – sign up here: Santa Sale Sign Up

The Raffle portion of the Santa Sale is well under way.  The day of the Christmas Concert we sold $1200.00 in tickets and we are so thankful, not only to those of you that purchased tickets, but to those of you that donated such amazing prizes!  Our goal is to raise $4,000 to purchase new furniture for the Learning Commons (Library), as well as some Maker Space Materials.  Raffle Tickets will be sale until 2:30pm on Dec 18th.  Please see Tracy in the office to purchase your tickets.  Students will have the opportunity at the Santa Sale to purchase Raffle Tickets as well.

Fun Lunch and Fun Snacks:  

Email: langleymeadowsfunlunch@shaw.c   Access Code: mustangs

Friday December 20 Kernels (Closes Tuesday December 17) (School Wide Movie day-this is a FREE PAC Sponsored item!)

Friday January 17th    White Spot Day!  (Closes Friday January 3)

Friday February 7th   World Flair Day!  (Closes Friday January 24)  

Christmas Staff Appreciation Luncheon:

Tuesday Dec 17th-please email Lisa Briggs ( if you are interested in contributing to this special luncheon.  Thank you to those that have donated financially and with food items to help make this event so special for our all the school staff!

Cobbs Dough Raiser Program:

Langley Meadows is part of the Dough Raiser Program at Clayton Cobbs Bread.  Mention Langley Meadows School when you purchase your items and 5% of your sale will come back to the school as a donation at the end of the year.

Next PAC Meeting:
January 17th at 9am in the PAC Portable-children are always welcome and we hope to see you there!

Join us on Facebook for reminders and updates and a place to connect with Langley Meadows School Families:  **Make sure you go to the notifications tab and choose “All Posts” to be sure you see what we are posting.

Student Success Magazine:

This publication from the Langley School District Foundation can be viewed by following this link:

Student Success

MondayCrosswalk students - meeting at lunchtime in the gym
Division 16 - Christmas at Lochiel
TuesdayStaff Luncheon - Thank you Parents!!!
Division 19 - Christmas at Lochiel
WednesdaySanta Sale and Raffle
Lunch time student monitoring meeting in gym
Division 18 Christmas at Lochiel
ThursdayDivision 17 Christmas as Lochiel
FridayPJ Day
Movie Fest


Langley Meadows Community School

2244 - Willoughby Way, Langley
BC, V2Y 1C1
Phone: 604-530-4101
Fax: 604-530-3751