1. Kindergarten Buddies This week Mr. Munnalall/Mrs. Lacroix’s class had a chance to work together with their little buddies in Mrs. McArthur/Mrs. Weltzin’s class to make some plasticine art. 2. Mrs. Wendell’s Grade One class worked with Ms. Ernst our Aboriginal Support Worker to learn about typical attire worn by aboriginal people during special celebrations… Read more »
Category: Uncategorized
Mustang Moments October 11th
1. Giving Thanks Mrs. Watkins class spent some time this week making a list of what they were thankful for. A very good project at anytime of the year. 2. Thanksgiving Breakfast Division 6 gathered together one morning this week and as a classroom family had Thanksgiving breakfast together. While they waited for their pancakes… Read more »
Mustang Moments Oct. 4th
1. Art Works Around the School This week as I walked the halls I noticed how much beautiful student art work there was on the walls. I thought I would share it here with you now. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. 2. The Fall Fair A huge thank you to… Read more »
Mustang Moments Sept. 20th
1. Kindergarteners Settling In This week the K students were here at school for full days all week! I am sure they slept well last night! They were busy learning so many new things and settling into their classrooms with new friends. 2. Grade 7 Science The big students were busy learning this week as… Read more »
Mustang Moments September 8th
1. The first week back. Kids got to reconnect with their teachers from last year and ease back into the swing of school routines. It was fun to see all of the kids back in the halls and nice to hear their laughter. 2. Grade 7 teachers with Grade 1 students! This past week the… Read more »
Mustang Moments June 21st
1. Potato Harvesting Div. 6 and Div. 20 were able to harvest their potato crop this week! The older students were a huge help as the little ones dug through the dirt looking for potatoes! What joy it brings to kids when they can see the end result of their efforts. They helped plant the… Read more »
Mustang Moments June 14th
1. A Budding Artist! One of our Langley Meadows students in Kindergarten is a fantastic artist. Two weeks ago his class went bowling and here is his journal entry depicting that day’s events! Way to go Kyler. 2. Fort to Fort Hike Last week divisions 13, 14, 15, & 16 went on an adventure. They… Read more »
Mustang Moments June 7th
1. Mrs. Schmit happily handed out golden ticket awards to Div. 20 this week. The students have worked all year long to earn their Golden tickets and were very pleased to be able to chose their special prizes! Way to go kids. 2. Div. 17 spent some time this week working on constructing items. Some… Read more »
Mustang Moments May 31st
1. It’s a Bugs Life The Kindergarten kids are busy learning all about bugs! Last week they released ladybugs into our butterfly garden to eat the aphids. This week they had LEPS (Langley Environmental Partners Society) in to talk to them about life cycles and metamorphosis and they also brought along some pond water so… Read more »
Mustang Moments May 25th
1. Last week the grade 7’s went to camp for three days and had an outstanding time! The students participated in many activities including horseback riding, archery, team building, and more. They had time for swimming, making t-shirts, playing volleyball, campfire and endless conversations in cabins each night. The adults came home exhausted but somehow… Read more »