1. Basketball Games The kids had their first basketball games of the season this week. They worked hard and had fun! 2. Ski Program with Mr. Everson Day one of the ski program with Mr. Everson went smoothly. The kids were all excited and ready to go. They were impressed by the giant coach bus… Read more »
Category: Uncategorized
Mustang Moments Jan. 17
1. Aboriginal Art This presentation discussed the importance of animals to Aboriginal people in BC demonstrating how they show respect to animals by using every part of the animal possible and returning unused parts to the earth in a respectful manner. The presentation included a discussion of how the different parts of the animal were… Read more »
Mustang Moments Dec. 20th
1. Santa’s Workshop On Tuesday the students had a chance to purchase a secret gift for their parents, siblings or anyone special. All of the items were donated to Langley Meadows and all of the money raised went back to purchasing Christmas gifts and food items for Langley Meadows families. It was a win-win for… Read more »
Mustang Moments Dec. 13th
1. Playground Training Each year our grade 7 students are trained by Action Schools to be playground leaders. The grade 7’s learn old and new games and then discuss how to engage and teach the younger students on the playground at recess and lunch. It just so happened that this year’s training landed on the… Read more »
Mustang Moments Dec. 6th
1. Making Bannock This week the students were able to make bannock with Karen Gabriel. Karen is originally from Vancouver Island, from the Halalt Band near Cowichan Valley. She is now a member of the Kwantlen Nation. A grandmother of five, a great-grandmother of one, Karen has been presenting in the district for the past… Read more »
Mustang Moments Nov. 29
1. iPads The Kindergarten students practiced letter formation and alphabet recognition a little differently in class over the last few weeks! Students used the iPads to practice making letters and they also had an opportunity to explore some other alphabet programs which allowed them to hear alphabet sounds, match letters with their sounds and more!… Read more »
Mustang Moments Nov. 22
1. Centennial Museum Division’s 17 and 18 participated in a pioneer Christmas experience. The kids used their imagination to travel back in time. They were divided into 3 groups and rotated between gathering around the Christmas tree and opening gifts, preparing stockings and putting coal in for the naughty kids, baking gingerbread cookies, playing with… Read more »
Mustang Moments Nov. 7th
1. Owl Presentation Gail Decoffe from the Langley Owl rehabilitation Centre came to Langley Meadows to spend the morning with Mrs. Gorseth and Mrs. Danford’s classes. The students learned about different owl species, their life cycles and habitats. Two owls came with Gail to visit with the kids and were amazing to see up close…. Read more »
Mustang Moments Nov. 1st
1. Div. 12 invited their family members in on Monday after school to carve pumpkins with them. It was a lovely way for our community to come together and have some fun! 2. Pumpkin Patch The weather held out for our class trips to the pumpkin patch this year and the kids had a great… Read more »
Mustang Moments Oct. 25th
1. Archeological dig Division 1 students created artifacts this week that would represent the basic needs of a culture in the past and then buried them and then alternate students had to go and discover this archeological find! Very interesting! 2. Grade 7 Leadership The grade 7 students were getting ready for the Halloween Carnival… Read more »