1. Dave’s Orchard This week Mrs. B-G’s class and Mrs. Randa’s class visited Dave’s Orchard. They had so much fun learning about corn, gourds, pumpkins and beets and came home with armloads of produce. They also had an opportunity to feed cows and chickens at the orchard! To end the learning the kids made vegetable… Read more »
Category: Uncategorized
Mustang Moments Sept. 30th
1. Welcome Back! It was so lovely to get back to school this week and to be surrounded by children. It was exactly what my heart needed! Thank you all very much for your patience as I was absent the first week of school. Upon my return students and staff were getting to know one… Read more »
Mustang Moments Sept. 1st
Please see attached information letter from Mrs. Hoffman, District Superintendent, regarding the Teachers Strike Action as of September 1st, 2014. LettertoParents2014Sept1(1)
Mustang Moments Aug. 29th
Please click on the two links for further information regarding back to school September 2nd. Letter to Parents 2014Aug29-2 LMCS Parent information Sept. 2
Mustang Moments June 12
1. Sports Day Thank you to all of the staff and parents who made Sports Day happen last week. It was a busy day to say the least but it was an awesome day for the kids. 2. Science Fair The grade 6 students showcased all of their science experiments and wowed all of the… Read more »
Mustang Moments June 6th
1. Parent/Volunteer Appreciation Brunch We are so pleased that some of you were able to come and spend the morning with us allowing us to thank you for all that you do to make Langley Meadows an amazing place. I know there are so many parents who help in many different ways and we want… Read more »
Mustang Moments May 30th
1. Mrs. Samodien’s class goes to the Zoo! The students in Mrs. Samodien’s class have been learning about animals and their habitats. They conducted their research using information found in books and the internet. They then used an app called “Showtime” where they recorded themselves sharing facts about their animal while also uploading images of… Read more »
Mustang Moments May 23rd
1. Plants: Botany Basics LEPS was back visiting in Mrs. Tulloch’s class this week where the kids were learning about what makes plants special. They talked about the plant parts, the basic needs of plants and also discussed the stages of plant development. 2. Novel Studies Mrs. Farrer’s class created games based on the novel’s… Read more »
Mustang Moments May 16th
1. Community Workers The Kindergarten classes are busy learning about community workers and how they help us. So far they have had a visit from the police and the paramedics. Next week the firefighters arrive! 2. Playland The grade 4 and 5 classes went to Playland this week and had loads of fun all the… Read more »
Mustang Moments May 9th
1. Grade 6 Camp The grade 6 students had an awesome time on their over night camp experience. They were busy throughout the days participating in various events, had an evening campfire, had lots of laughs and not much sleep! A perfect camping trip indeed! 2. Pioneer Days Our Grade Three classes visited the old… Read more »