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Mustang Moments March 13th

1. Friendship Bracelets This week the Grade 11 leadership students from RE Mountain Senior Secondary came to make bracelets with our kindergarten classes. It was so great to watch the older kids patiently work with our little ones :O) Thank you Miranda for organizing this special event.   2. Inside Out Workshops This week our… Read more »

Mustang Moments March 6th

1. Intra Mural Champions Over the past few months the grade 4’s and 5’s have been playing intra murals in the gym at lunch. The two winning teams were awarded with an amazing medallion which will be displayed in the foyer. The two winning teams were Wolf Pack and Chimichangas!! Congratulations. A big thank you… Read more »

Mustang Moments Feb. 27th

1. Extreme Air Park Mrs. B-G’s class went to the Extreme Air Park on Monday as their class sold the most Entertainment Books in September. As you can tell from the pictures it is an amazing place with trampolines everywhere! The kids had a great time. 2. Red Sky Performers – Misstatim The Red Sky… Read more »

Mustang Moments Feb. 19th

1. The Canadian Flag is 50 Years Old! On Sunday, February 15th communities around Canada celebrated the flags birthday. On Monday, Mrs. Cunningham’s class also took some time to celebrate the 50th birthday of the Canadian Flag. 2. Skating This kids went skating this week and the look on their faces say it all to… Read more »

Mustang Moments Feb. 13th

1. Button Blankets Mrs. Danford’s class created button blankets this week with Aboriginal teacher Krystal Delong. These blankets serve as insignia of family and clan history and Krystal shared a blanket belonging to her family with the students. Students then sewed their own blanket creating their own design. 2. TWU Student Nurses This week one… Read more »

Mustang Moments Feb. 6th

1. Seasons in Division 12 Teacher Janet presented an interactive session with students to identify the different seasonal activities of local Aboriginal people. Students gained an understanding of how Aboriginal people travelled during the seasons, fishing and gathering/preserving food in preparation for winter. season. Students made their own medicine wheel representing the four colours of… Read more »

Mustang Moments Jan. 30th

1. Inline Skating Skating started this week in gym class for the primary students and they are having a blast! Students are learning how to put their skates on, stand up and safely move around the gym. The best part is when the disco lights and music come on! 2. Lunchtime Intramural Games Thank you… Read more »

Mustang Moments Jan. 23rd

1. Ready Set Learn This week was this years first RSL session for children aged 3-5. Children and caregivers were able to play at different stations learning about nursery rhymes and songs. The next session is on February 16th and its all about playing with numbers. We hope you will join us. RSL poster 2015… Read more »

Mustang Moments Jan. 16th

1. The Fun Farm The Langley Foundation is working with a Langley family who has dedicated several acres of their property as a refuge for neglected farm animals. They have also developed a beekeeping area, vegetable garden, greenhouse and orchard. The farm is open to groups of students to learn about animals, bees and horticulture…. Read more »

Mustang Moments Jan. 9th

1. Coins for Kids and The Pajama Project update We wanted to once again thank you for all of your generosity prior to the Christmas break for these two projects. Coins for Kids raised over $1300 part of which was used to support LMCS families for Christmas and the rest will be used throughout the… Read more »

Langley Meadows Community School

2244 - Willoughby Way, Langley
BC, V2Y 1C1
Phone: 604-530-4101
Fax: 604-530-3751