Principal’s Blog: April 10 This week, all families will receive from their children’s teacher a week of learning plans. Teachers have been working hard in collaboration to identify essential learning, so that the wo… Go to this Sway
Category: Uncategorized
April 4, 2020
Principal’s Blog: April 4 Dear Parents and Guardians, Go to this Sway
Principal’s Blog – March 13 Spring Break Edition
Principal’s Blog – Kick off to Spring Break Edition Many of us have already seen the information from the Langley School District that came to inboxes yesterday, but in case you have not, here it is. Go to this Sway
March 6 Principal’s Blog
Principal’s Blog: March 6 Report cards were released through MyEd BC on Friday after school. As a principal, I am privileged to read all report cards, with help from my acting VP, Mr. McArthur. This is a very busy… Go to this Sway
January 31 – Principal’s Blog
Principal’s Blog – January 31 Recently, a friend sent me the following giggle: How is it that we are halfway through 2020 and it is still January? I hope you laughed as I did. These can be dark days of winter, and the… Go to this Sway
January 25 – Principal’s Blog
Principal’s Blog: January 25 This week, I had the opportunity to go to Texas Houston and participate in a conference with some colleagues, entitles RTI at Work.. RTI is short for response to intervention and is a struc… Go to this Sway
January 13, 2019
Dear Parents and Guardians at Langley Meadows, This week was a great first week back and we were excited to welcome Mr. McArthur, a retired principal who will be helping us out over the next few months, along with Ms. Wong, our new grade 1 teacher. Of course, the highlight of the week was some… Read more »
December 20
Principal’s Message We wish you all a wonderful holiday season filled with all the best gifts: family, friends, time together, laughter and memory-making. Warmly, Beth Cairnie, Principal Learning This Week Ms. Harold’s students combed the hallways as they completed a holiday scavenger hunt. They use the iPad to capture evidence of their items and share… Read more »
December 13
Principal’s Message What a wonder-full week we all enjoyed with more to come! Thank you so much to our teachers, staff, students and Mrs. Fildes for gracing us with such a beautiful concert. It truly feels like Christmas when the children sing. We are so proud of our students and families for their generous giving… Read more »
December 6
Principal’s Message The hallways and classrooms are decked, the songs for the concert are being sung each day and students are reading and writing about Christmas. Tis the season to be jolly… or maybe not. While Christmas can be the most wonderful time of the year, it can also be a stressor for some of… Read more »