Category: Uncategorized

Twin Rinks!

Daily Physical Activity includes activities that help children to develop cardio, strength and flexibility.  This past week, many students enjoyed a filed trip to Twin Rinks!  A fun and enjoyable way to be active and stay fit!

Growing Potatoes!

Students in Mrs. S-Ks’ class are learning what a potato plant looks like and how potatoes grow!  Using a tub, students are growing potatoes themselves. This hands on experience helps open up conversations about varieties, nutrition, where foods come from and different ways of cooking potatoes and their relative importance to different cultures!

Environmentally Friendly!

Each week, a different class takes the lead to keep our grounds clean! This week, the students’ in Mrs. Grays’ class were eager to show off their tongs.  I am very proud of our students for taking responsibility and making a difference to protect our environment.  When we all work together, each individual action adds… Read more »

Come SKYPE with me….

A fun afternoon for our Grade 2’s as they had a SKYPE and a FACETIME session with another Grade 2 class in West Vancouver!  Students were learning about community and used modern technology to play a guessing game about various professionals that work in our community (e.g. Fireman, Nurse, Police Officer etc.) Technology has definitely allowed… Read more »

Tech savvy students….

The grade 4/5 students in Mrs. Watkins’ class are pretty tech-savvy these days… A lesson on conversation using wireless MAC notebooks.  Motivated to learn, the students showed proficient use of technology.  It is evident that the 21st classrooms are committed ti incorporating technology into students’ everyday lives~

Making Words!

Students in Mrs. Roddhams’ class were busy identifying letters and making words!   An exciting time for our younger students who are developing the skills necessary to develop their literacy skills and abilities.  Preparing for Grade 1 is a lot of hard work! Thank you to our volunteer parent readers and the home support that… Read more »

Career Education!

All grade 2 students have been engaging in “Hammer Time”!  Students are learning about group safety and are involved in project based learning opportunities. Our hope with the project is to create links and holistic thinking around career connections.  The merriment and the sounds coming from the Grade 2 classrooms demonstrates that experiential learning encourages… Read more »

Teddy Bear Picnic

Students in the kindergarten class have been learning all about bears!  An exciting daily event is viewing bears hibernating on the webcam.  Students have busily been making visual models of bears and their environment.  To celebrate all the learning taking place, students enjoyed a Teddy Bear Picnic!

Crazy Hair Day with staff…..

Crazy hair day was not only for students but staff too!  Check out the cool photo of staff who showed up to school in style…..

Crazy Hair Day for students!

Spirit days are a monthly event at Langley Meadows.  This past week, students participated in crazy hair day.  Students showed outstanding school spirit by coming to school with new hairstyles of varyious colours, styles and gadgets to accentuate the look!  A fun day filled with giggles and smiles.

Langley Meadows Community School

2244 - Willoughby Way, Langley
BC, V2Y 1C1
Phone: 604-530-4101
Fax: 604-530-3751