Category: Uncategorized

Reconciliation Assembly

Last week, students, staff and community participated in our Reconciliation Assembly. We were honour to have Chief Susan Miller and sister of the Chief Cheryl Gabriel at our event. Elders Cheryl and Lekeyten spoke eloquently towards truth an reconciliation. Staff and students alike spoke with respect o our commitments to working together.  A special thank… Read more »

Kilometer Club

Hip hip hooray!  It has been amazing to watch all the students set and reach goals over the past few weeks.  Many students achieved a half or full marathon and I am so very proud of everyone’s commitment and dedication towards running each day.  The track has been full of students and staff encouraging each… Read more »

Staff School Spirit!

A wonderful day at Langley Meadows when not only the students get into the school spirit but so do the staff! Many staff members joined in the Spirit Day fun and came dressed as their favourite characters too! Can you guess who Ms. Samodien is disguised as?

Student School Spirit: Favourite Character Day!

Many students joined in Spirit Day and dressed as their favourite storybook character! Costumes ranged from the “Paperbag Princess” to characters from “Harry Potter”!  Way to go students for coming creatively dressed!

Environmentalist on site!

Today, students from the Grade 3 class went into the kindergarten class to share information about their research project. The students did an excellent job of public speaking and talking about ecosystems that exist within the dessert.  The kindergarten students enjoyed the presentation and were encouraged to ask questions.  Many interesting questions were posed. Students… Read more »

Biology of Plants

Ms. Samodien’s class is full of excitement as they spent the afternoon becoming biologists!  During the afternoon this week, students had a chance to talk about plant parts an their functions. After a group discussion, students were required to create a clay model and share their learnings with each other during a pair share.  After… Read more »

Math Makes Sense

Throughout the day, students are exposed to many activities that lend themselves well to learning about mathematics.  Students pictured here are using objects to construct their own understanding of mathematics as it relates to shapes.   Twenty first century learning and teaching approaches allow for teachers to be facilitator of learning  with the primary role… Read more »

Crazy Hat Day!

Spirit days are still alive at Langley Meadows!  Pictured here are students who got into the school spirit and participated in hat day!  A wonderful opportunity for students to be creative and have fun.

Rollerblading Excitement

Primary classes enjoyed a week of rollerblading activities in our gymnasium. Laughs, tumbles and excitement filled the air. A unique opportunity to learn to skate while enjoying music and cool disco lights.  Thank you to the Parent Advisory Counsel for sponsoring this annual event!

Dr. Suess Celebration

Theodor Seuss Geisel was an American writer and illustrator best known for authoring popular children’s books under the pen name Dr. Seuss.  Last week, all of the kindergarten class participated in celebrating the birthday of Dr. Suess. Many fun events took place including eating celebratory cupcakes, singing Happy Birthday, creating “One Fish, Two Fish” displays… Read more »

Langley Meadows Community School

2244 - Willoughby Way, Langley
BC, V2Y 1C1
Phone: 604-530-4101
Fax: 604-530-3751