Category: Uncategorized

Mustang Moments September 23rd

Meet the Teacher Thank you to all of the families who were able to make it out Thursday night to meet their child’s classroom teacher(s). We know nights are busy with dinner, sports, family time, etc so we appreciate you taking the time to be with us and we understand if  you couldn’t make it…. Read more »

Mustang Moments Sept. 16th

Ms. Wendell’s and Mrs. Tulloch’s classes were reminded of the importance of recycling by participating in a LEPS (Langley Environmental Partners Society) workshop. They learned how and what they can recycle and how to do their part. The kids had fun learning how to be “Waste Warriors” using the 3R’s, students recognized recycling symbols and… Read more »

Settling In!

Today we settled into our new classrooms. It was nice to watch old friends reunite and new friendships begin to develop. Classes were busy starting routines, participating in “getting to know you” activities and discussing plans for the year.

A New School Year

Soon the halls will be filled with laughter and smiles and the business of learning will be under way, and that’s a good thing!! A HUGE thank you to Carl and Getachew for working so hard all summer long cleaning every corner of the school ensuring it sparkled for our return. It looks fabulous! We… Read more »

Welcome Back

I returned to work today to an amazing gift! A little tidbit about me that you may or may not know is that I love frogs. Weird, I know! But for some reason they have always played a role in my life showing up at odd times throughout my journey. So when I returned to… Read more »

A trip to the zoo!

Many students traveled to the Vancouver Zoo in pursuit of a wild adventure!  Many North American animals to be seen as well as exotic animals from other countries. If you have not had a chance to visit as a family, it is well worth the travel.  Learning about amazing animals and why it is important… Read more »

RCMP Helicopter!

An exciting field trip for all the students in Mrs. Danford’s class!  The children had the opportunity to check out a real RCMP helicopter.  The tour was amazing and timely given that career day was coming up!  A fascinating visit and an unique learning opportunity.

Fin joins in! Sports Day @ LMCS!

Sports Day last Friday was well attended by staff students, parent volunteers and PAC. A fun-filled day with music, hot lunch, traditional sports and an afternoon obstacle course that was physically challenging.  As well, Fin (Canucks Mascot) joined in the afternoon celebration to help motivate the students by warming up together!   Many smiles throughout the… Read more »

Track and Field

This past week students participated in the high jump and did extremely well! Many students placed and received ribbons for their efforts.  Other events will take place June 8th! Good luck to all of our athletes as they showcase their abilities!

Revised Curriculum Implementation in Action

Pictured here are a group of students from Ms. Moir’s class who are thoroughly engaged in a writing activity that requires students to collect and a share information from an Aboriginal Perspective. The lesson is tied to the new curriculum that will be fully implemented in the fall.  Joining  us on the journey is Gail… Read more »

Langley Meadows Community School

2244 - Willoughby Way, Langley
BC, V2Y 1C1
Phone: 604-530-4101
Fax: 604-530-3751