Category: Principal’s Blog

Here We Go!

Here We Go!! The Action Plan For Learning is what drives our work throughout the year. On October 4th we have a school improvement day. It is on this day that we set our school goal for the year and dis… Go to this Sway

Welcome Back!

Welcome back!! Below is the link to the newsletter providing all the start up information you need. Sincerely, Rhonda Welcome Back Langley Meadows 2024-2025 School Year! August 30, 2024 Go to this Sway

Super Heroes

Communicating Student Learning Go to this Sway

Welcoming Our New Kindergarteners

Click the link below for the blog. Welcoming Our New Kindergarteners As a school our goal is to work with families in supporting students in their development in self-regulation skills and sense of belonging, so they engage as life-long learners and meet the… Go to this Sway

Like Minded, Like Hearted

Like Minded, Like Hearted (I always have the Action Plan For Learning section first, but it may help to read the Truth and Reconciliation piece first, this week.) Go to this Sway

Diversity Is Our Strength

Diversity is our Strength With an upcoming Professional Day on May 17th, staff will be doing some rich learning about co-teaching, and looking at a program that supports all students called Get Ready, Do, Done. Go to this Sway

Spring Learning

Click the link below for this week’s blog. Spring Learning Calm Classroom – Complex and Simple Trauma Go to this Sway

Finding Our Feet

Click the link for the blog. Finding Our Feet Response To Intervention Update Go to this Sway

We Are So Diverse!

We Are So Diverse! On the Design and Assessment Day we split the day so that half of it is spent preparing to report student progress and the other half is spent working on our school goal. This term we came … Go to this Sway

Langley Meadows Community School

2244 - Willoughby Way, Langley
BC, V2Y 1C1
Phone: 604-530-4101
Fax: 604-530-3751