September 20

September 20, 2019

Principal’s Message

The BC K to grade 12 curriculum has over-riding core competencies of personal-social, communication and thinking skills.  As found on the Ministry of Education site, The Core Competencies are sets of intellectual, personal, and social and emotional proficiencies that all students need in order to engage in deep, lifelong learning. Along with literacy and numeracy foundations, they are central to British Columbia’s K-12 curriculum and assessment system and directly support students in their growth as educated citizens.”

Developing these skills and proficiency begins in early childhood at home with families and continues for our lives.  In schools, we work to develop these competencies and just as importantly help students become aware of their critical nature to life-long learning and success.

This week in Ms. Keeley’s class (Division 12), students began their reflective journey as they started charting their path in the core competencies.

Throughout the learning day, students reflect on their school work and place a core competency card beside their learning to share what competency they are developing in their activity.

At the end of the school year, each child in BC will bring home a core competency self-assessment to share their growth.  But you don’t have to wait until June!  Having core competency conversations with our children at home is a great way to encourage reflection and great skills.

Learn more at

Partnering with you for success for kids,

Beth Cairnie, Principal

Week at a Glance

MondayCrosswalk students - meeting at lunchtime in the gym
Division 16 - Christmas at Lochiel
TuesdayStaff Luncheon - Thank you Parents!!!
Division 19 - Christmas at Lochiel
WednesdaySanta Sale and Raffle
Lunch time student monitoring meeting in gym
Division 18 Christmas at Lochiel
ThursdayDivision 17 Christmas as Lochiel
FridayPJ Day
Movie Fest

Learning This Week:

Mrs. Boyce’s students explored the use of whiteboards during the literacy lesson.  You can set they are pretty proud to have their own dry erase pens.

It was great to see such a fabulous turn out for Meet the Teacher.  Mrs. Watkins’ families got a first hand look at “students” hard at work.

Mrs. Buoco-Galloway’s grade 3s worked with a new app (Pixton Edu) this week to begin writing their own cartoon strips.  After making their own memes, they put together this virtual class photo.


Talking to Your Child about their Day

Oral language is one of the critical components for literacy development and spending time talking to your child about their school day is a great way to foster conversation and inform yourself about your child’s day.  Looking for ways to get the conversation going?  Here is a great article to support the parent-child conversation.

School Improvement Day

Thank you parents for making alternate arrangements today for your child. Our SEAs were trained today in Crisis Prevention and Intervention, while our teaching staff worked on school culture, a decision-making model and the District Action Plan for Learning, a literacy goal.

Terry Fox This Week

A big shout out to Mrs. Erickson for her outstanding leadership for our Annual Terry Fox Run.

On Thursday September 26, 2019 students, staff, and participating parents will attend an assembly in the gym at 1:00 pm. Following the assembly we will lead students through a planned route in our community. Staff, parents, and students will be running/walking a planned route through the community for a fixed period of time (45 minutes). Crosswalk monitors and staff will be posted along the route to keep kids safe and monitor behaviour.

As with most school-wide events, we need parents support in order to make it successful. We would like to invite all available parents to come out and either walk/run the course with the students or volunteer to act as a marshal on the course. If you think you will be attending the Terry Fox Foundation Walk/Run, please fill out the attached form and send it to the school by Friday September 20, 2019. All students must return the Student Permission Form if they are to take part in the community walk/run.

We are looking forward to working together to promote such an admirable cause. If you wish to make a donation to the Terry Fox Foundation, please contribute to your child’s classroom or the office by Monday September 30, 2019.

**This year, donations may be made online. Tax receipts for donations of $20 or more will be issued by email (or regular post). This method will enter a donation as though it were collected at the school, you will receive a tax receipt, and the Terry Fox organization will save time and money via reduced administration costs**

  1. Go to:
  2. Click on Donate to a student or School
  3. Enter BC as the province and then Langley Meadows Elementary, click “select”
  4. Type in the requested details and submit

PAC News From the Langley Meadows PAC Executive

Entertainment Books:

Ordering and payments through online Fun Lunch System from Sept 11-27th.  Be sure to get your minimum order of two books in by Friday the 20th for your child to receive an invitation to an ice cream social at the school.  Thank you to Kara Powell for heading up this fundraiser!

Orange Shirt Day:

We are pleased to once again offer parents the chance to purchase orange shirts for this year’s Orange Shirt Day (Every Child Matters – September 30 ( to increase awareness about residential schools.  The cost of the shirt is $11.00. This is not a fundraiser, we simply want to make it easier for each child to have an orange shirt for this special day.  Deadline for ordering is September 20, 2019.  Order online: 
But don’t worry, if you miss pre-ordering your child their shirt, we are having an after school POP UP sale to sell off our extra inventory.  The sale will be Wed Sept 25th after school by the PAC Portable.  

Fun Lunch and Fun Snacks: 

Registration is open for the ENTIRE school year’s Fun Lunch and Fun Snack Program.
Fun Lunch Email: Access Code: mustangs  Be sure to register your child to ensure you receive our PAC Sponsored Kernals Popcorn for school wide movie day on Dec. 20th.

Friday, October 11th    Hot Dog Day!  (Closes Friday September 27) 

Thursday September 26  TCBY Frozen Yogurt (Closes Tuesday September 17)  (Terry Fox Run) 

School Wide Volunteer Training Date:

Did you miss this week’s volunteer training session?  There is an upcoming evening session booked for Thursday October October 10th, prior to our PAC Meeting at 6:10pm in the school library.  All Volunteers of the school are encouraged to attend this meeting hosted by Mrs. Cairnie.  If you can’t attend, please come by the office to read through the orientation information.

Cobbs Dough Raiser Program:

Langley Meadows is part of the Dough Raiser Program at Clayton Cobbs Bread.  Mention Langley Meadows School when you purchase your items and 5% of your sale will come back to the school as a donation at the end of the year.

Upcoming PAC Meeting:

Thursday October 10th at 6:45pm in the PAC Portable.  We hope to see you there!

Parent Education:
Did you know that Langley DPAC offers reimbursement for Parent Education Classes for up to $50 once per year for families in the SD35 (their budget is limited and allotted on a first-come basis).  Here are a couple upcoming seminars FYI:

Join us on Facebook for reminders and updates and a place to connect with Langley Meadows School Families:  **Make sure you go to the notifications tab and choose “All Posts” to be sure you see what we are posting.

In our Community

Attached is an upcoming presentation hosted by Langley DPAC in partnership with the Langley School district, Fraser Health and We All Play A Role. “Let’s Talk -Youth and Rugs” has limited free tickets available on Eventbrite.

Let’s Talk – Youth and Drugs Event

Ministry of Education Erase Bullying

Looking for information about supporting student safety?  Erase bullying is a provincial program that supports all BC students and schools.

Langley Meadows Community School

2244 - Willoughby Way, Langley
BC, V2Y 1C1
Phone: 604-530-4101
Fax: 604-530-3751