October 4

October 4, 2019

Principal’s Message

Thank you so much for supporting our Orange Shirt efforts at the beginning of the week.  I was quite moved when I saw our kindergarten students at the end of the day and they could share in their orange words about Orange Shirt Day  and that every child matters.

As I continue to work hard (and make daily mistakes) mastering the names of all of our students, I was deeply struck by the ceremony in Ottawa as they named every child they had records of dying in residential school.  Again, every child matters and to be known by name is important.

While we are grateful that schools have become a place where language, diversity and ability are respected and celebrated, the belief that every child matters takes on a variety of versions every day at Langley Meadows.

As October is upon us, our staff are meeting with parents of diverse learners to write individualized education plans.  I love listening and participating in these meetings, as we talk about the strengths and hopes for an individual child and put in place a plan that honours the individuality of a learner.  As I see Mrs. Heyes, our Aboriginal support worker, meeting weekly with groups of students with Aboriginal heritage and building hope and self-esteem, I see that every child matters.  As classroom teachers meet with me to discuss their own classes, I hear their hearts and desire to support each individual. And as our PAC has shared a budget and upcoming plans with me, I have been touched by the ethic of care they demonstrate, showing me again that every child matters.

Thank you again for dressing your child in orange, and for helping teach them that in our schools, in our community and in Canada, every child matters.

It is good to do school with you!

Beth Cairnie, Principal

Learning This Week

Classes have begun buddy class activities and it is exciting to see the peer mentoring, learning and connections being forged between big and little buddies.  Reading is one of the favourite activities.  For our little buddies, it gives them an authentic audience for their growing skills.  When our big buddies read to their little ones, they get to role model accurate, fluent reading.  Did you know for literacy success students should listen to a fluent reader each and every day?

The Week Ahead

MondayCrosswalk students - meeting at lunchtime in the gym
Division 16 - Christmas at Lochiel
TuesdayStaff Luncheon - Thank you Parents!!!
Division 19 - Christmas at Lochiel
WednesdaySanta Sale and Raffle
Lunch time student monitoring meeting in gym
Division 18 Christmas at Lochiel
ThursdayDivision 17 Christmas as Lochiel
FridayPJ Day
Movie Fest


Grades 3-5 Choir – Beginning Tuesday

Students in grades 3 to 5 are invited to join our choir.  Under the direction of Mrs. Cairnie, we meet on Tuesdays over the lunch hour.  Mrs. Cairnie would welcome a parent volunteer who likes to play piano and would be interested in accompanying our choir.  Sheet music is around the grade 5 level of the  Royal Conservatory of Music.

Fall Fair

This annual event takes place tomorrow!  Be sure to come by, enjoy some family fun and connect with your neighbours.

Individual and Class Photos – Friday, October 11

Please remember that our photo day is this Friday.  As your child’s photo may happen at any time in the day, such as following a great recess game of tag or some gym time, you may wish to send a hairbrush for a quick spruce up before the photo shoot.

From our PAC Executive

Fun Lunch and Fun Snacks:

Registration is open for the ENTIRE school year’s Fun Lunch and Fun Snack Program.

Fun Lunch Email: langleymeadowsfunlunch@shaw.ca      https://lmcs.hotlunches.net Access Code: mustangs  Be sure to register your child to ensure you receive our PAC Sponsored Kernals Popcorn for school wide movie day on Dec. 20th.

Friday, October 11th    Hot Dog Day!  Email us if you want to volunteer!

Friday November 15th    Pizza Day! (Closes Friday November 1)

School Wide Volunteer Training Date:

There is an upcoming evening session booked for Thursday October 10th, prior to our PAC Meeting at 6:15 pm in the school library.  All Volunteers of the school are encouraged to attend this meeting hosted by Mrs. Cairnie.  If you can’t attend, please come by the office to read through the orientation information.

Cobbs Dough Raiser Program:

Langley Meadows is part of the Dough Raiser Program at Clayton Cobbs Bread.  Mention Langley Meadows School when you purchase your items and 5% of your sale will come back to the school as a donation at the end of the year.

Upcoming PAC Meeting:

Thursday October 10th at 6:45pm in the school library.  We hope to see you there!

Halloween Carnival:


As many of you may know, the PAC hosts a Halloween Carnival every Oct 31st for the whole school to enjoy.  We will be looking for volunteers to help throughout the day running different stations.  More information will come home soon, but keep this day open to come and have some fun with your children!

Join us on Facebook for reminders and updates and a place to connect with Langley Meadows School Families: https://www.facebook.com/groups/LangleyMeadowsPAC/  **Make sure you go to the notifications tab and choose “All Posts” to be sure you see what we are posting


Nancy Crawford Memorial Scholarship

George Bernard Shaw once said, “Those that can’t do, teach.” As if? What did he really know? Well probably a few things, but nothing about teaching or teachers. Just look at Nancy Crawford – a teacher and an artist. She excelled in both professions – one no less than the other. Her students will attest to her prowess, as will an entourage of encaustic devotees, to the extent that a Nancy Crawford Memorial Scholarship has been established, with almost $40,000 being raised in just 8 months.

To maintain the momentum, Nancy’s husband, family and friends will be on hand at the FAST FUNK FUSION FUNDRAISER for the Nancy Crawford Memorial Scholarship. Featuring the hot licks, cool grooves and best instrumental jazz/funk fusion in the Lower Mainland and Fraser Valley, the Blues Hoodoo will be rocking it out at Chief Sepass Theatre. Be there at 6 pm on Saturday, October 5. Tickets online at funkfusionfundraiser.brownpapertickerts.com. All proceeds go to the Nancy Crawford Memorial Scholarship.

Tickets are just $20. Can also be purchased on line at www.langleyschooldistrictfoundation.com


Langley Meadows Community School

2244 - Willoughby Way, Langley
BC, V2Y 1C1
Phone: 604-530-4101
Fax: 604-530-3751