October 12, 2019
Principal’s Message
It’s Thanksgiving, a time to sit up and take notice of the good things we enjoy in our lives each day. New to this community, I have been taking notice since I arrived of the beautiful gifts each day at Langley Meadows.
- Awesome students: Meadows students are kind, thoughtful, hardworking, and friendly. They greet each other, staff and parents warmly, they work diligently and they want to learn.
- Supportive parents: Thanks to moms and dads for getting your students to school on time, helping them with home reading, packing such healthy lunches and joining with teachers to accomplish this good work together. Parents also work hard to make our school safe. Following our parking lot rules, signing in, wearing volunteer badges, sharing safety concerns are some of the ways they help make a safe community for us all.
- Fabulous staff: The teachers and support staff at LMCS arrive each day with optimism and determination to help each child learn. Their ethic of care, professionalism, innovation and efforts inspire. Each student is deeply cared for each day.
- Our Dedicated PAC: This group of parents commit time, energy and creativity to implement great things for our students, fundraise for amazing extra opportunities for learning and to support all classrooms.
- Langley Meadows Community Association: Each day, Joanne and Erin arrive with smiles and help make our community a better place. From breakfast to open gym to Nights Alive, they are committed to families in this neighbourhood.
Thank you for sharing yourself and your children with us. I hope your Thanksgiving is filled with family, food, friends and much love.
With gratitude,
Beth Cairnie, Principal
Week at a Glance:
Date | Events |
Monday | Crosswalk students - meeting at lunchtime in the gym Division 16 - Christmas at Lochiel |
Tuesday | Staff Luncheon - Thank you Parents!!! Division 19 - Christmas at Lochiel |
Wednesday | Santa Sale and Raffle Lunch time student monitoring meeting in gym Division 18 Christmas at Lochiel |
Thursday | Division 17 Christmas as Lochiel |
Friday | PJ Day Popcorn Movie Fest |
Learning This Week:
Our building was transformed this week with fall art! Enjoy the display below and if you get a chance to come by and see our hallways, you will love the autumn feel.

Mrs. O’Keefe’s students spent several days completing an outstanding art project. This took lots of effort and patience, along with fine motor skills, from our littlest learners. Here they are working diligently on a turkey directed draw and water colour art.

LMCS is a Polling Station
Please note that our school is a polling station on October 21. Open Gym will be closed that day.
Conferences – October 29 and 30
It is that time of the year again for parent teacher conferences. At Langley Meadows we believe strongly in a home-school partnership as a vital relationship to support student development and growth. Our teachers will send home an interim report on October 24 or will share this with you at the time of the conference.
We would like to invite you to come and see your child’s classroom teacher(s) on either Tuesday, October 29th (2-7:30pm) or Wednesday, October 30th(2-4:30pm). If these times cannot work for your family, please reach out to your classroom teacher so that you can set a phone conference or other time to work together.
Parents can book their parent teacher interview/s online. By going to:
All families must re-register each year. Here is a “how to” document to help you!
The online booking system will be CLOSED on Monday, October 28th at 3 pm. You will not be able to book an online appointment after this time. This allows teachers to print their schedules and prepare for their interviews.
Our library and our gym are open on October 29th for you to come by, learn more about these important hubs in our school and connect with the teachers running these programs. Please note that staff is present in these program areas to connect with parents and are not able to supervise your students during your classroom teacher conferences.
Parents, if you are in Mrs. McArthur’s K class you do not have to book appointments online as Mrs. McArthur will do this with you directly.
Items at School
Students love to bring items from home and teachers often create opportunities for sharing through activities such as All About Me presentations and Show and Tell. Others bring play items to bring outside on the recess school grounds. Please note that we hope any item coming to school has your permission. Expensive toys on a busy school ground can get lost or broken. Please discuss this with your students and help them make thoughtful choices about the items they bring to school. Pokemon cards, as in past years, are not a schoolyard activity.
Lacrosse and hockey are great fun, but we are not able to safely store these sticks in our classrooms. When the weather turns, we will have open gym times over the lunch hour to play these fun sports.
News from our PAC
Fun Lunch and Fun Snacks:
Friday November 15th Pizza Day! (Closes Friday November 1)
Friday December 6th Subway Day! (Closes Friday November 22)
November PAC Meeting: Friday November 15th 9am in the PAC Portable
Cobbs Dough Raiser Program:
Langley Meadows is part of the Dough Raiser Program at Clayton Cobbs Bread. Mention Langley Meadows School when you purchase your items and 5% of your sale will come back to the school as a donation at the end of the year.
Join us on Facebook for reminders and updates and a place to connect with Langley Meadows School Families: https://www.facebook.com/groups/LangleyMeadowsPAC/ **Make sure you go to the notifications tab and choose “All Posts” to be sure you see what we are posting.
Student Success Magazine:
The Langley Advance Times has published Student Success. Read about the 14th Annual Golf Tournament, Langley Gives, I.D.E.A. Summit and IDEAX, Upcoming Events, Garden Towers and much more.
Student Success:
Hallowe’en – October 31st
The Shopping Centre is seeking 16 grade 11 or 12 high school student volunteers to be at the mall from 4:30pm to 6:30pm on Thursday, October 31st. Volunteers will be asked to assist at the cookie decorating station, collect donations, hand out goodie bags and treats, transport items to sign in stations and track participant numbers. Dress code is black pants and shoes. A Willowbrook Halloween Shirt will be provided. Volunteers can wear costume pieces/Halloween makeup with their outfits as long as it is appropriate for children as this is a family friendly event. Volunteers must sign a waiver of liability. If volunteers are under the age of 18, it is required to have a parent or guardian sign the waiver. Volunteers will receive a thank you letter and token of appreciation. Contact Natacha Gomes da Silva, Marketing Coordinator, Willowbrook Shopping Centre, at 604.398.2845 or natacha.gomes@quadreal.com and cc. scairns@sd35.bc.ca by October 11. 100% of the funds collected from the Trick-or-Treating event will benefit the Langley School District Foundation and your programs and initiatives.
Children’s Grief Awareness Day:
There is a free workshop on November 14, hosted by the Langley Hospice. This outstanding organization serves our community as they grieve. For more information, please check out the link.
Langley Hospice Society_Children’s Grief Awareness Day Workshops 2019