November 29

November 30, 2019

Principal’s Message:

Langley Meadows Community School extends generosity and care to families at Christmas.  This year, one integral part is a school wide food drive.  Donations get used for our Christmas hampers and to support the Langley Food Bank.  This year, the Food Drive will begin on Wednesday, December 4.  The last day to give is Friday, December 13.  Students can bring the items to their classrooms.

We like to ensure that we do not have an abundance of one item and lack in other areas so that the hampers we create are as helpful as possible.  Below is the list below of food to send to school.

Students in Kindergarten and grade one bring BREAKFAST items.  For example:


-pancake mix


-breakfast bars


-hot chocolate




Students in grades two and three are asked to bring LUNCH items.  For example:

-canned or dry soup

-macaroni and cheese



-canned fruit


-juice boxes


Students in grades four and five are asked to bring in DINNER items.  For example:

-canned vegetables and fruit

-canned fish

– stew

– pasta

-rice or side dishes

– pasta sauce


-cranberry sauce


-dessert items


Other items that are always welcome regardless of grade include:

  • Foil Roasting Pans
  • Paper napkins
  • Paper towels
  • Dish soap
  • Toilet paper
  • Tissues
  • Chocolates
  • Candles
  • Cookies
  • Christmas Candy

Thank you for your support who would benefit from our generosity.  We can make this holiday season special for others while modeling to our own students and children what it means to be a caring community!

Learning this Week

A big thank you to Mrs. Martins for leading our Scholastic Book fair.  This was another smashing success!  There was a total of $4447 of books sold, with 81 books gifted to classrooms and $1012.38 of new materials going into our school library.  Wow!  Thank you to all who volunteered and to all who shopped!

Mrs. Buyco-Galloway’s class has been busy reflecting on the meaning of the holidays and writing outstanding Christmas memory projects.  Here is a sampling for you to enjoy.

Week at a Glance

MondayCrosswalk students - meeting at lunchtime in the gym
Division 16 - Christmas at Lochiel
TuesdayStaff Luncheon - Thank you Parents!!!
Division 19 - Christmas at Lochiel
WednesdaySanta Sale and Raffle
Lunch time student monitoring meeting in gym
Division 18 Christmas at Lochiel
ThursdayDivision 17 Christmas as Lochiel
FridayPJ Day
Movie Fest

Other Upcoming Dates:

December 12 – Christmas Concert

December 13 – Report Cards Published

December 17 – Staff Appreciation Luncheon

December 18 – Santa Store

December 19

December 20 – PJ and Movie Day, Kernels Popcorn Day

Report Cards

A reminder that these are published digitally to you on December 13.  Please be sure that your parent portal is set up for access.

Concert Forms

A reminder to send these to the office by Tuesday, December 3 to get your tickets.

Concert Information 2019-3

Santa Breakfast – LMCA
Don’t forget to mark your calendars for Saturday, December 7th and the annual Santa Breakfast hosted by the Langley Meadows Community Association.  More details to come!

News From Our PAC

December PAC Meeting:  Friday December 6th in the Library at 9am.  Please join us as we discuss the budget for the school and PAC, and enjoy some Christmas goodies while meeting some new parents!  Children are always welcome.  We hope to see you there!

Santa Sale: 

The Santa Sale will be happening this year on Wed Dec 18th.  This is a great chance for your children to buy a gift or two for a loved one.  Gifts range from .25-$3.00 an item.  We need your donations of new and very good condition items (games, puzzles, decor items, toys, books, collectables, trinkets, jewellery, Christmas items…anything that would make a loving gift so long as it is in great condition.  We also are looking for donations for our Raffle Sale.  If you or someone you know would be willing to donate a gift card, gift basket or a new toy, please let us know.  Please bring your donations to the trolley in the school foyer.  Volunteers are needed all day on Dec 18th – sign up Santa Sale Sign Up

Fun Lunch and Fun Snacks:  

Email: langleymeadowsfunlunch@shaw.c   Access Code: mustangs

Friday December 6th Subway Day!

Friday December 20 Kernels (Closes Tuesday December 17) (School Wide Movie day-this is a FREE PAC Sponsored item!)

Christmas Staff Appreciation Luncheon:

Tuesday Dec 17th-more info will come home regarding how you can help out with this special event to bless our amazing staff this holiday season!

Cobbs Dough Raiser Program:

Langley Meadows is part of the Dough Raiser Program at Clayton Cobbs Bread.  Mention Langley Meadows School when you purchase your items and 5% of your sale will come back to the school as a donation at the end of the year.

Join us on Facebook for reminders and updates and a place to connect with Langley Meadows School Families:  **Make sure you go to the notifications tab and choose “All Posts” to be sure you see what we are posting.

Minutes from the last Meeting:

DRAFT Minutes of the General Meeting of the Langley Meadows CS PAC Nov. 2019

From the Langley School District

Check out these great events for great causes.

In our Community

Childcare BC Survey
Childcare BC invites parents to complete an anonymous survey about child care programs and services offered throughout the province. The survey will be open until January 17.

 Complete the survey: 

Learn more about Childcare BC:


Langley Meadows Community School

2244 - Willoughby Way, Langley
BC, V2Y 1C1
Phone: 604-530-4101
Fax: 604-530-3751