November 23, 2019
Principal’s Message
This morning, I spent time with good friends and one of our shopping stops was Indigo books. We wandered the displays, pointed out our favourites, talked about the quick reads, the summer books, what is teetering on the tower of books beside our beds, and then what we hope to receive for the holidays. We talked about our current, and the book I am powering through for next weekend’s book club.
So, you can only imagine my joy at the Scholastic Book Fair next week and the chance our students have to buy some new books. Or make a Christmas list of books. Or purchase a book to give to someone else.
In a 2004 meta-analysis, Guthrie and Humenick found that the two most powerful instructional design factors for improving reading motivation and comprehension were (1) student access to many books and (2) personal choice of what to read. Dr. Richard Allington in his work, insists that the first step to literacy is ensuring that every child, every day reads something of their own choosing. Voluminous, free reading is a key to literacy.
The Book Fair is one of the great opportunities to support student choice and free voluminous reading. In fact, every book purchased also puts more books in our classroom libraries and our school library, creating lots of choice again for our learners.
Beth Cairnie, Principal
The Week at a Glance
Date | Events |
Monday | Crosswalk students - meeting at lunchtime in the gym Division 16 - Christmas at Lochiel |
Tuesday | Staff Luncheon - Thank you Parents!!! Division 19 - Christmas at Lochiel |
Wednesday | Santa Sale and Raffle Lunch time student monitoring meeting in gym Division 18 Christmas at Lochiel |
Thursday | Division 17 Christmas as Lochiel |
Friday | PJ Day Popcorn Movie Fest |
A culture of joy and connection
As you already know, our teachers are doing outstanding teaching each and every day. It is exciting to move through classrooms and see the individualized instruction, the opportunities for learning and celebrations of student achievement.
We also know that joy, connection and community help us each feel happy at school. Belonging matters and students who feel they belong learn better.
Friday bought two fun opportunities for belonging: our moustache day and a dance party. A special thanks to all for your moustaches and also to Mrs. Erickson for the dance party.

Christmas Concert
The halls are already ringing with many holiday songs and the crafting has begun. Our team is so excited to share with you a time of celebration on December 12th. Please find attached information about our concert. A hard copy will come home on Tuesday for you to complete and return to our office.
Design and Assessment
Monday, our staff is working together to establish our school vision and set our goal. This is something that we will work on over the next few years and we look forward to sharing it with you. In the afternoon, staff will be working on their report cards. If you have not yet set up your account on MyEd BC please follow this link for more information. It gets very busy at report card release time to give individualized help and we want all families to be able to easily access student reports.
From our PAC
PAC NEWS from your Langley Meadows PAC Executive Team:
Santa Sale:
The Santa Sale will be happening this year on Wed Dec 18th. This is a great chance for your children to buy a gift or two for a loved one. Gifts range from .25-$3.00 an item. We need your donations of new and very good condition items (games, puzzles, decor items, toys, books, collectables, trinkets, jewellery, Christmas items…anything that would make a loving gift so long as it is in great condition. We also are looking for donations for our Raffle Sale. If you or someone you know would be willing to donate a gift card, gift basket or a new toy, please let us know. Please bring your donations to the trolley in the school foyer. Volunteers are needed all day on Dec 18th – sign up Santa Sale Sign Up
Pop Up Sale:
Thanks to your support we made $300 at our Sale this week to help meet our PAC budget. The smiles on your kids’ faces as they run to the Pop Up Sales are priceless!
Fun Lunch and Fun Snacks:
Email: langleymeadowsfunlunch@shaw.c Access Code: mustangs
Friday December 6th Subway Day! (Closes Friday November 22)
Friday December 20 Kernels (Closes Tuesday December 17) (School Wide Movie day-this is a FREE PAC Sponsored item!)
Spirit Wear:
Please visit our Hot Lunch Site to order Spirit Wear and Grade 5 Hoodies for your children (orders close on Nov 22). Thanks to Sabrina Murray and Marnie Spry for your help in organizing this for our school. Spirit Wear is a great way to show your school Spirit. (Sizes appear to run a bit smaller than usual so please come take a look at the samples! Please also allow for shrinkage after washing).
Neufeld’s Farms Ordering:
Delivery date will be 2:30pm on Friday November 29th. Thanks to those families that have ordered this delicious food!
Save the Date:
December PAC Meeting: Friday December 6th in the Library at 9am. Please join us as we discuss the budget for the school and PAC, and enjoy some Christmas goodies while meeting some new parents!
Christmas Staff Appreciation Luncheon:
Tuesday Dec 17th-more info will come home regarding how you can help out with this special event to bless our amazing staff this holiday season!
Cobbs Dough Raiser Program:
Langley Meadows is part of the Dough Raiser Program at Clayton Cobbs Bread. Mention Langley Meadows School when you purchase your items and 5% of your sale will come back to the school as a donation at the end of the year.
Join us on Facebook for reminders and updates and a place to connect with Langley Meadows School Families: **Make sure you go to the notifications tab and choose “All Posts” to be sure you see what we are posting.
From the Langley School District
Update on Youth Vaping in Schools
On November 14, 2019 the BC Ministers of Health, Finance and Education announced vaping restrictions to protect youth. The Ministry of Education is working on an action plan to protect youth against the harms of vaping.
Read the news release:
Learn more about the action plan:
Training and Education Grant: RESP Opportunity for Students
Please see the link below from the Ministry of Education regarding a Training and Education Savings Grant available for students born between 2010 and 2014.