September 25, 2015
1.Cross Country
The cross country team had their first race this Tuesday. The weather was great for a run in the trails and the kids did amazing! The route is over 2km long and each child did their very best and crossed the finish line! We race again this Tuesday, so wish them luck!
2. Terry Fox Run
The school community ran the Terry Fox Run on Wednesday honoring Terry’s memory and raising money for the Terry Fox Foundation. It made my heart happy to see so many moms, dads, grandmas, dogs, etc. all joining together to raise awareness and funds to battle cancer. Thank you to everyone for coming out with us. A big thank you to Mrs. Erickson for organizing this event again this year.
There is still time to make a donation online:
Go to
Click donate to a student or school
Enter BC as the province and then Langley Meadows Elementary – click select
Type in the requested details and your donation is complete!!
3. LEPS – Langley Environmental Partners Society
We are so fortunate each year to have LEPS come and spend time with our students, teaching them various lessons about our environment. Classes this week learned about recycling, reducing and reusing. The students learned about the right way to recycle with games and hands on activities. We are on our way to a cleaner environment.
4. Ms. Keeley’s class
The students in Division 13 were busy learning through hands on activities:
Fynlee and Madison are practicing number recognition with a math game. Kaylem is practicing tying shoe laces during center time. Jovan, Jayson and Luke are practicing making patterns with math games. The whole class on their first full day. Their crowns say “it’s oh-fish-al we are first graders”.
5. Who’s Who in Division Two!
The kids prepared for Meet the Teacher Night!
Thank you to all of the families who were able to make it out to Meet the Teacher Night so your child could show you around their class. It means a lot to kids to be able to “show off” for you so your time is greatly appreciated :O)
7. Aboriginal Teachings
Mrs. Helps, our Aboriginal Support Worker, shared a story with Mrs. S-K’s and Mrs. Danford’s class regarding residential schools. The kids made great connections and had a really good understanding of the topic shared. Mrs. Helps is sharing her knowledge in order for kids to have a better understanding of what Orange Shirt Day is all about.