Mustang Moments Sept. 16th

September 16, 2016

  1. Ms. Wendell’s and Mrs. Tulloch’s classes were reminded of the importance of recycling by participating in a LEPS (Langley Environmental Partners Society) workshop. They learned how and what they can recycle and how to do their part. The kids had fun learning how to be “Waste Warriors” using the 3R’s, students recognized recycling symbols and sorted materials found in their home and classroom.

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  2. School Garden

I am so thrilled that we have a school garden! Every time I am out in the garden with kids and see their wonder and excitement it makes my heart happy! This week Mrs. Yeung’s class was outside making scientific observations and drawings while wearing their “biology eyes!”

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3. Pajama Day

It is the best day of the year when we get to wear pj’s to school!

4. Ministry Update for the Slope – A Message from Gord Stewart, Superintendent of Langley Schools

I am pleased to inform our community that the Ministry of Education made an announcement this afternoon to make a significant capital and land investment in the Willoughby community. The details of the announcement are provided in the attachment.  I appreciate the efforts of all of our staff that have been involved in working with our Ministry of Education partners to make this happen.  What a great way to go into the weekend!

Read more here: Ministry announcement

Langley Meadows Community School

2244 - Willoughby Way, Langley
BC, V2Y 1C1
Phone: 604-530-4101
Fax: 604-530-3751