Mustang Moments Sept. 11th

September 13, 2015

  1. Before the switch, Mrs. B-Gs Gr 2/3s created and taught Math games to Mrs. Watkins’ grade 1s. What a fun way to reintroduce shapes and counting!
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2. We ended the week being entertained by Axe Copeira. Capoeira is an Afro-Brazilian martial art developed in the 1500s by African and Indigenous slaves in Brazil as a form of self-defence from their oppressors. It is marked by its agile and tricky movements that may be executed anywhere from an upside-down position, to a gravity defying kick. It has a strong acrobatic component in some styles and is always played with music.

Grupo Axé Capoeira is renowned as a traveling group which promotes the history, music, art, and culture of Brazil in interactive and educational demonstrations. We were lucky to have them come to LMCS to share their culture and amazing dance.

3. Crossing Guards

A huge thank you to all of the kids who helped with crossing guard the first week of school to ensure that we were all safe. We appreciate you being willing to help out :O)

Langley Meadows Community School

2244 - Willoughby Way, Langley
BC, V2Y 1C1
Phone: 604-530-4101
Fax: 604-530-3751