Mustang Moments October 11th

October 11, 2013

1. Giving Thanks

Mrs. Watkins class spent some time this week making a list of what they were thankful for. A very good project at anytime of the year.

2. Thanksgiving Breakfast

Division 6 gathered together one morning this week and as a classroom family had Thanksgiving breakfast together. While they waited for their pancakes to be ready they went around the class and spoke about what each of them was thankful for. The kids had very lovely ideas and talked about things that made me take a step back and realize how lucky we all are. Thank you for sharing this morning with me Mrs. Moir and Ms. Grondahl.

3. Home Reading Helpers

I am thankful for all of the moms, dads, aunts, uncles, grandmas, granddads, etc. who come to Langley Meadows each morning to read with students. Thank you for the time you give to our school and to these students.


4. Taking a Break

I love that the students in Mr. Flack and Mrs. Hall’s class play chess when they have a bit of free time. What a tough game to play with so much skill involved.


5. Picture Day

The kids were full of smiles during picture day this week. The photographers complimented us on how great the kids were while waiting to have their picture taken and how wonderful their smiles were. Kids, thank you for representing Langley Meadows so well. Thank you to Dena, one of our moms,  who took care of all of the details and made sure all of the kids had nothing in their teeth and that their hair was in place!

6. Volleyball Season

Cross country has come to an end but the Volleyball season has begun. The grade 6’s and 7’s started practices this week with games beginning next week. We hope you will come out and cheer the teams on!

7. Hot Lunch

Today was the first fun lunch of the year. Thank you to the group of parents who organize the orders, count the money and make sure it all gets handed out on the day to all of the kids. They love these lunches!


8. Buddy Classes

Another thing to be thankful for at school are our buddy classes. This afternoon both grade 7 classes were busy helping their little buddies with special activities. One group was busy making art masterpieces and the other group was outside learning to skip.

9. Entertainment Book Fundraiser

A huge thank you and WOOHOO to our school community for raising over $9000 dollars selling Entertainment books. What a huge success. Thank you to Carrie for taking the lead on this event and to all other parents who helped out collecting books and handing out prizes. If you don’t know I promised the kids I would wear a chicken suit and dance to the chicken dance if they surpassed their goal of selling 500 books. Stay tuned for a chicken appearance at a school assembly coming soon!!

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone. Enjoy your time together.

Langley Meadows Community School

2244 - Willoughby Way, Langley
BC, V2Y 1C1
Phone: 604-530-4101
Fax: 604-530-3751