Mustang Moments Oct. 23

October 25, 2014

1. Stuffie Day

Mrs. S-K’s class has been working hard to earn their first class reward. The students decided their reward would be stuffie day. The students each brought their favorite stuffie which spent the day at school with them. The stuffies had a busy day of reading, writing, math, gym etc!

2. Popcorn and PJ Day

Division 8 earned a Popcorn and PJ Day! They watched “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” after reading the book as a Read Aloud.

3. Buddy Reading

Mrs. Gray’s class spent time buddy reading with Mrs. Jackson’s class. A great way for the kids to get to know each other as they gear up for a year of great buddy activities!

4. A Trip to the Apple Barn and Pumpkin Patch

Ms. Samodien’s, Mrs. McArthur/Weltzin’s, Mrs. Richardson’s and Mrs. Roddham/O’Keefe’s classes headed to the pumpkin patch this week. The students had a busy trip learning about the apple orchard, taking a ride through the pumpkin patch, visiting the petting zoo and more! They lucked out with the weather as the rain held off until the kids were loaded back on the bus for the return trip home!

Langley Meadows Community School

2244 - Willoughby Way, Langley
BC, V2Y 1C1
Phone: 604-530-4101
Fax: 604-530-3751