Mustang Moments Oct. 16th

October 16, 2015

  1. Mrs. McArthur’s class and their big buddies worked together to make the beaded and feathered strands of their class dream catcher. Each year in Mrs. McArthur’s class students make and put their own strand on the dream catcher so that they can have a peaceful rest time, filled with good thoughts. Mrs. McArthur has found that this activity and the class dream catcher help students with anxiety and worries that they may have in class. Students also watched a video about how the spider gave us the dream catcher. This activity allowed students to learn with and from their buddies, worked with fine motor skills and following directions and counting.

2. Pumpkin Buddy Craft

Ms. Wendell’s class was busy helping the little buddies in Miss Keeley’s class this week. They made pumpkins together as part of their science unit.

3. Pumpkin Patch

A group of our students went to the pumpkin patch today and were able to go on a hayride, visit the petting zoo, search for pumpkins and travel through the haunted house!!

4. Soap carving

Mrs. S-K’s, Mrs. Jackson’s, Mrs. Tulloch’s and Ms. Wendell’s classes are all spending time this year learning about building. They started by talking about carving, looking at examples and possible carving tools. The students then proceeded to make a blueprint for their first design, a ship. They were using their blueprints this week as they began their carving. Each student had a bar of soap that they were carefully carving their design into. I can’t wait to see the final product :O)

5. Voting

Grade 4 and 5 students have spent the last few weeks learning about the upcoming election and the importance of voting. Students learned about each party and their political platform and became aware of the local person running for each party. Today each student used their newly acquired political knowledge to place their vote. Each student completed a secret ballot at a polling station and made their voice heard. We hope that students carry forward this message of the importance of voting into their adulthood.


6. Drama

Mr. Goodkey has been working with the kids in Division 6 on drama skills. Here the kids are playing “tableau” freezing themselves in a moment of a Halloween party!

7. Spirit Day – Inside Out and Backwards Day

A fun day seeing kids and staff wearing their clothing backwards. Some students even walked to school backwards!

Langley Meadows Community School

2244 - Willoughby Way, Langley
BC, V2Y 1C1
Phone: 604-530-4101
Fax: 604-530-3751