November 9, 2017
Open Gym Fun
Each morning our school gym is open starting at 8am where the kids can start their day in an active way with friends. Admission is $1 and all proceeds go back to the LMCA who organize activities for the Langley Meadows Kids and families.
Directed Drawing
Mr. Raphael’s class did some directed drawing with Carmen one of our Aboriginal Presenters. Carmen talked with the kids about the aboriginal significance of the animals and lead them step by step on how to draw some of the aboriginal animal symbols.
Remembrance Day Buddy Activities
Mrs. Puffer and Mrs. Claire’s classes did art work together and wrote letters to the soldiers.
Remembrance Day Assembly
Students participated in a thoughtful assembly today honoring the soldiers who fought for our freedom. Various classes and students shared poems, writings and their feelings about Remembrance Day and what it meant to them. Thank you to all of the students who participated, to our grade 5 leaders and for Mrs. Brenneman, Mrs. Claire and Mrs. Rakhra’s leadership.