November 4, 2016
Halloween Carnival
A huge thank you to the PAC, Parent volunteers, Ms. V and her student teacher Mr. Hendy along with their grade 7 students from Yorkson Creek Middle for making this event happen. Halloween stations were set up all around the gym, a haunted house was created and there was music and dancing at the end. In all, the kids had a great time at this annual event.
Book Fair
What a joy to have new books to look at all week! I must say I spent a fair bit of time flipping through all of the great titles adding to my already too big collection of books! A HUGE thank you to Corine and Kristi for organizing and running this event throughout the entire week.

Heart Garden in Spuzzum
On Thursday, October 27, 2016, the grade four and five students in Ms. Moir’s class (Division 5) went on a field trip to Spuzzum, B.C. to visit the territory of the Nlaka’pamux Nation (ing-khla-kap-muh). The class took flowers and hearts (made by our students) to the cemetery of an aboriginal girl (Gladys) we have been learning about. Gladys went to residential school in Kamloops. We then went on a hike in the local provincial park down to the old Alexandra Bridge before visiting the local General Store and having an ice cream before heading home.
Gail Stromquist, author of the Gladys Module, and another BCTF staff member, Nancy Knickerbocker, accompanied us on the trip. Ms. Knickerbocker is a journalist for the BCTF and she interviewed and took pictures of our students. The article on our trip and the work the students have been doing should be published early in the new year.
After returning to the school, students wrote letters to their parents expressing their feelings and thoughts about the trip. Their letters are on display alongside the “Heart Garden of Reconciliation” display in the hallways outside Division 5. We are very proud of the amazing empathy, knowledge and caring our students have expressed; please come by and visit the display if you get a chance.
The Fun Farm
Students had a visit to the fun farm today where they have an opportunity to interact with all of the farm animals, including collecting the chicken eggs!
Date to be Determined
Our Santa Sale has become a very popular annual event. Lots of children love to buy gifts for family and friends but don’t have a lot of money to spend. Apart from providing our students with the excitement and fun of buying gifts, the proceeds from the sale will go directly towards helping families in our community at Christmas and throughout the year. We will have a 25 cent table, 50 cent table, $1.00 table, $2.00 table and $3.00 table
LMCS families, if you have any items at home that you would like to donate to our Santa Sale, feel free to drop them off at the office. We take new or very gently used items that children would like to buy for their families. We accept housewares, toys, games, stuffies, glassware, Christmas decorations, etc. We are also hoping to get one or two special items to raffle. If anyone has any ideas or access to raffle items, we would appreciate hearing from you!
Please let Jean Moir (teacher of Division 5) know if you are able to help out at the sale. Please contact her via email at Thank you so much!