November 30, 2018
New Students
We were given a lovely donation of brand new stuffed animals for every one of our Kindergarten students. So sweet.

Karima Essa shared Bollywood dancing with the students this week and it was super energetic and so beautiful to watch! Karima’s performance showcased Bollywood dance as a fun cultural art form and as a means for people to communicate no matter what language they speak.
Christmas Concert Practice
Kids have been busy singing and decorating all week long! Can’t wait for the big show!
Christmas Messages
Students around the building have been writing about their Christmas wishes and Holiday hopes. One that was shared with me, that made me pause for a moment as a parent, was a student who wished her/his parents spent less time on their phones. Ugg. Sometimes these little comments from kids make us reevaluate our daily practices. A great afternoon activity might be a trip to the parkour park at 200th and 48th where kids and adults can play together.
Lochiel Schoolhouse
Students in Mrs. Tulloch’s class had a visit to the past this week!!!
Farewell Ms. Smith
We have been so lucky to have Ms. Smith here learning with us since September. She is a student teacher from sfu who has been in Mrs. B’G’s class learning, creating, practicing and perfecting the art of teaching! She is now officially done will be a fabulous addition to any school. Best of luck Ms. Smith!

Roots of Empathy
Baby Brooklyn had her Roots of Empathy visit with Div. 15. She is starting to roll and grasp toys. Our most recent theme is teething development but Brooklyn had no teeth yet!