November 2, 2018
Mystery Number
Division 14 practicing their math language playing Mystery number. Students work in small groups to write a series of clues which are then presented to others in the class, who use them to determine the mystery number!
Halloween Carnival
A fantastic day for the kids. Games in the gym, classroom celebrations, and fun costumes. A big thank you to all of the volunteers who made this special day happen. It was a massive amount of work and I appreciate your efforts immensely.
Classroom Reward
Mr. Richardson’s class has been working hard to earn classroom points in order to earn a reward party. They achieved this goal and chose to have a celebration Halloween day. The kids had an awesome time at the fair, and with in class activities playing Halloween Charades, participating in cooperative Halloween puzzles and a STEM challenge.
Staff Collaboration Day
Our staff was busy learning new ideas on Monday afternoon. We had two district staff employees come in to share and learn with our school staff. Our support staff worked with Cristy Watson around Restorative Action and Peace Circles. The presentation included a circle/team-building activity, a look at the principles of Restorative Action, the language of working through conflict with children, addressing their needs and a brief look at the stages of “anger mountain”, and the “iceberg”.
Our teaching staff worked with Deanna Lightbody focusing on a book study, “High Yield Routines” that we are reading on as a team. How to implement quick, easy mathematical routines across all grade levels that have high impact.