Mustang Moments November 25th

November 26, 2016


Dr. Joanna Sheppard, who is a professor at The University of the Fraser Valley is spending time at lmcs every Tuesday. She is team teaching with Mrs. Erickson, in the gym, teaching the students games for understanding. Dr. Sheppard teaches the PE program at UFV for students learning to become teachers. We are thrilled to have her expertise here with us once a week.

2. Lunch Time Intermurals

Mrs. Erickson and Mr. Arthur’s have started lunch time activities in the gym that all students can participate in. Juggling, basketball and more!

3. Lochiel School House Visit

Many students were able to visit this old fashioned school house this week. The costumed interpreter, in the role of the school marm, took the students back in time to become the class of 1924! Students had the opportunity to participate in the school by taking on the roles and responsibilities of pioneer students. Obedience, good manners and hard work are insisted upon – but students had a good time despite the high standards! Students and teachers even dressed the part!

4. Windy Day

The kids had a great time playing in the wind on Thursday. Throwing leaves into the air and watching them get stuck on the back stop of the ball diamond! Simple pleasures.


5. Moustache Spirit Day

Students participated in spirit day by wearing moustaches for Movember. So much fun to see all of the different variations!

6. Christmas Tree

It’s starting to feel very festive in our foyer. A beautiful place to sit and chat with friends. Thank you to Mrs. Parson’s for putting the tree up and to the students who helped decorate it this afternoon.

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7. How BIG is My Problem?

As you know our school has been and is still focusing on teaching student self regulation skills. One of the current strategies that we are using with kids is shown below. When students are experiencing frustration due to some event, as a staff we will work through the following model getting the child to recognize how big their problem is and how they can solve it.  Feel free to use this at home as well. The visual really helps kids recognize the severity of their problems.


Langley Meadows Community School

2244 - Willoughby Way, Langley
BC, V2Y 1C1
Phone: 604-530-4101
Fax: 604-530-3751