Mustang Moments November 24th

November 26, 2017

Reading Link Challenge

Students in grade 4 and 5 who have signed up to participate in the reading link challenge met this week for the unveiling of the 6 novels that have been chosen for the students to read for this years competition!

Reading Link Challenge is an award-winning public library/school partnership program that promotes the “sport of reading.” Librarians from FVRL work with school librarians and teachers to recruit teams of six students in grades 4 and 5. The program is run as a series of quiz/trivia challenges with questions based on six preselected books. All teams participate in one or more levels of challenge, with the winning teams advancing to higher levels of competition within the community.

Participants learn about teamwork and how to read for retention. RLC also promotes public library usage and encourages children to develop a lifelong habit of reading for pleasure. We are thrilled to have three teams participating again this year!


Class Celebrations!

Mr. Richardson’s class met their class goal this week and had a pj popcorn party to celebrate!


Community Outing

Students went on a visit to Port Kell’s Nursery to experience this years theme of the “Enchanted Garden”. The kids had a great trip :O)

Riverman Hockey Team

Members of the Riverman Hockey team joined the kids in the gym on Monday to help teach them hockey skills and to have fun!


We have had two amazing student teachers working in two of our classrooms for the last three months and Friday was their last day, they are officially now REAL teachers! We enjoyed having them with us as they seamlessly fit into our staff and were fantastic teachers to our students. We wish them the best of luck as their exciting teaching journey begins.

Jersey Day

Great to see all of the different kinds of jersey’s that the students had! Who knew there were so many teams! Sorry there are not many pictures of all of the jerseys but I was in class teaching all day and couldn’t get around to snap shots, but trust me, there were a lot of jerseys!

Langley Meadows Community School

2244 - Willoughby Way, Langley
BC, V2Y 1C1
Phone: 604-530-4101
Fax: 604-530-3751