Mustang Moments November 18th

November 18, 2016

  1. Remembrance Day Assembly

Each year we take the time to come together as a school to remember all of the men and women who have gone to war on behalf of Canadians. Sometimes this concept is hard for our little ones to grasp as it is very far removed from them but it’s important for us to continue to explain to the kids how lucky we are to live in Canada and to have the freedoms we have, and that we have these because of the men and women who went to war.

Students from Division 1, 2, 5, 11 all contributed thoughts, writings or poems remembering the veterans. Reece, Neha and Cohen did a lovely job of hosting the event. A big thank you to Mrs. Claire for organizing this important assembly. Thank you to Mr. Piche for the photos.

2. Art in the Classroom

Mrs. B-G’s class was lucky to have Mrs. Trelevean Parker come and make reindeer pictures with them this week. Mrs. Trelevean Parker was a retired teacher from LM’s so it was so great to see her! She is also an amazing artist and went step by step with the kids to ensure their pictures were fabulous!

3. Sto:lo Tools and Implements of Yesterday

Mrs. Gabriel discussed traditional tools with the kids and then they worked in pairs to recreate these tools using recycled materials. A great hands on learning experience.

4. Bowling trip

Another great Friday community excursion.

Langley Meadows Community School

2244 - Willoughby Way, Langley
BC, V2Y 1C1
Phone: 604-530-4101
Fax: 604-530-3751