Mustang Moments Nov. 6th

November 6, 2015

1.Book Fair

I love books so I am always excited when it is book fair time! The book fair was a huge success, kids were thrilled to look at all of the new books and other gadgets the fair had to offer. Many students went home with a new book ready to go on a new adventure! A HUGE thank you to Mrs. Hamilton for organizing this event for our school and to all of the other parents who helped by volunteering their time to run the fair each day. We are so lucky as most of the proceeds come back to the school and allow us to purchase more new books for the library to be enjoyed by kids! The book fair made almost $6,000!!

2. Garden

Mrs. S-K’s students were busy outside in the garden this week weeding their garden box getting it ready for their daffodil bulbs. The bulbs are part of the Agriculture in the Classroom Program called Planting a Promise.

Planting A Promise Program

Planting a Promise was created to enable teachers and their students – especially those already enrolled in our Spuds in Tubs Program- to extend their gardening experience into the fall and to help students explore plants and what they need to grow. Imagine planting large bulbs knowing that they hold the promise of beautiful flowers in spring.

Planting a Promise involves a series of activities that take place over several months. The activities begin in the classroom in September, where daffodil bulbs are examined, then planted in a designated garden area for a school. In the spring when the bulbs begin to sprout and bloom, the activities continue as the daffodil plants are observed and measured while they grow. In late June, the daffodils enter their dormant stage and are readied to start the daffodil life cycle all over again.

3. Ready Set Learn

RSL is a time for 3 and 4 year olds to come to school. There are three sessions being offered this year at LMCS where the kids play and learn new skills with their parent or caregiver. Each child leaves with an educational goodie bag at the end of each session to continue the learning at home. The next two sessions are:

Rhyming – Oral Language/Literacy – Tuesday Jan. 12th 1:30-2:30pm

The Great Outdoors – Tuesday Apr. 26th 1:30-2:30pm

Come and join us in the fun. Register by calling the office.

4. After school Soccer

A big thank you to Mrs. Forbes and Mrs. Erickson for arranging and running after school soccer and gymnastics for students. This week the coaches from Langley FC were on hand to help teach the kids new soccer skills.

5. Drama

Students in Mrs. B-G’s class paired up and played an ABC game where they had limited time to form whatever letter was announced by Mr. Goodkey. It was hilarious and brought the kids out of their shell. One of the shyest kids in the class, was fully into it! So much fun!

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6. LMCS After School Baking Club

The kids were busy making an entire meal, pizza sandwiches, fruit tarts and edible playdough (I think playdough is part of a balanced meal!) It was a bit messy but all good fun is!

7. Map Making

Mrs Cunningham’s class went for a neighbourhood walk this week and with the information they gathered built their very own classroom sized map of our community. A great way to support the social studies mapping curriculum.

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8.Owl Lady

Gail the Owl Lady was here visiting the Grade 4’s in Mrs. Danford’s and Mrs. Moir’s class. The owls she brings to the school were rescued by her facility and could not be returned to the wild so are now being used to educate students. They are amazing creatures.

9. Remembrance Day

The kids making Remembrance Day art for the assembly next week on Tuesday, November 10 at 10:45am.

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10. Entertainment Book Fundraiser

Many thanks to all families that sold and purchased Entertainment Books. This is the PAC’s number one fundraiser for the school and allows the PAC to purchase technology equipment, sports equipment and to support other children’s programs and events. To date the PAC sold 463 books, which amounts to $5556 for the school.

The prizes for the most sales and from the draws were:

28 children will have an ice cream party at noon time on Friday, Nov 6. These children passed their books in on the first turn in date, September 22.

Hailey in Div. 3, won for the most books sold, 55 books. She won 2 reserved front row seats and reserved parking to the Christmas Concert.

Division 3, Mrs Chijiwa’s class, won for the most books sold per class/division. The class won a trip to Extreme Air Park.

Lucas in Div. 14, won Principal for the day.

Devynn in Div. 13, won 2 reserved front row seats to the Christmas Concert.

Thank you again for your support of Langley Meadows Community School

from – The Langley Meadows School PAC









Langley Meadows Community School

2244 - Willoughby Way, Langley
BC, V2Y 1C1
Phone: 604-530-4101
Fax: 604-530-3751