Mustang Moments May 30th

June 1, 2014

1. Mrs. Samodien’s class goes to the Zoo!

The students in Mrs. Samodien’s class have been learning about animals and their habitats. They conducted their research using information found in books and the internet. They then used an app called “Showtime” where they recorded themselves sharing facts about their animal while also uploading images of their animals and their habitats that the listener could view while they were listening to the recording! It was awesome. If that wasn’t enough some some the students also had diagrams on the ipad that they labeled as well. To top it all off the students also created a diorama of their animal it is habitat. Students from other classes were invited to take a field trip to the zoo where they learned all about the animals the kids had researched! What amazing learning!


2. Langley Meadows 30 Year Birthday Celebration and Student Art Work Showcase

This year marked the 30 year anniversary of it’s opening for Langley Meadows. Past staff members came back to celebrate and visit on Thursday and it was lovely to see them reminiscing. As part of the celebration we showcased the Langley Meadows students artwork. Each child chose a piece of their art that they were proud of and it was displayed in the gym for all to see and celebrate. The final product was stunning! Such amazing art filled the gym! A huge thank you to Mrs. Hall, Mrs Randa and Mrs. Driver for organizing this event. The students art will be displayed this week until Thursday so we invite you to come and take a look.


3. At the Discovery Garden Again

Ms. V’s class was back at the garden again this week where students were examining water from Latimer Creek, finding and identifying small creatures, and testing the water for turbidity and ph in preparation for the bug salmon release this weekend!

4.Gone Hiking!

With the weather being so lovely, how could the kids not sneak away and go for a hike on the Fort to Fort trail! It looks like they had a great time.

5. Super Hero Day

This week’s Spirit Day inspired kids, adults and dogs alike to dress like their favorite super hero! It was interesting seeing all of the different kinds of hero’s!

Langley Meadows Community School

2244 - Willoughby Way, Langley
BC, V2Y 1C1
Phone: 604-530-4101
Fax: 604-530-3751