Mustang Moments May 29th

May 30, 2015

1. Fire House

The Langley Fire Department spent three days with the primary students this week talking to them about fire safety. One of the things they practiced was an escape route from their home in case of a fire emergency.

2. Glorious Organics

This is my favorite field trip of the year, unfortunately I didn’t get to go with the kids this year but it looks like they had a great time. Students work their way through the co-op owned farm learning about different types of salad greens, the twist is they get to taste as they go! It amazes me each time I visit this farm how salad greens could be so yummy! Some taste like licorice or lemon and some are spicy or sour. The students also learn about sustainable organic farming as they go.

The grade 2’s were able to observe a small scale agricultural operation in action and discover what it takes to produce our food.


3. Campbell Valley

The grade one’s took a trip to Campbell Valley Park and had a sunny day of exploring nature.

4. A Great Place to Read!

Students in Mrs. Cunningham’s class discovered new and interesting ways to settle into a good book!

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5. Career Day

What a great day! It was fun seeing all of the careers that the kids are interested in pursuing as they get older. Lots of different professions were represented.


6. The District Track and Field Meet

Students from grade 4 and 5 participated in the district track meet on Friday where they completed against other Langley students.  It was a great day with ribbons won and great sportsmanship shown.

7. Lochiel School House

Mrs. Randa’s class visited the Lochiel school house where the students got to experience what school used to be like in the pioneer days.



Langley Meadows Community School

2244 - Willoughby Way, Langley
BC, V2Y 1C1
Phone: 604-530-4101
Fax: 604-530-3751