May 24, 2014
1. Plants: Botany Basics
LEPS was back visiting in Mrs. Tulloch’s class this week where the kids were learning about what makes plants special. They talked about the plant parts, the basic needs of plants and also discussed the stages of plant development.
2. Novel Studies
Mrs. Farrer’s class created games based on the novel’s they were reading in class. This week they got to share their games with their classmates.
3. Checking on the Garden
Ms. V’s class was back at Maples this week to check on how things were going with their planting. They watered, weeded and helped spread some bark mulch as well. The students planted potatoe seeds and Stephanie also shared really interesting information about honey bees and their hives.
4. Staff Appreciation Luncheon
This week the parents organized a luncheon to thank the staff for all that they do each day. It was a lovely treat and very much appreciated. Thank you for all that contributed and to those that organized the day.
5. The Twisters
Mrs. Randa’s class was lucky to have a visit from The Twisters this week where they shared their blues music with the class. Brandon Isaak and Keith Picot spent Friday afternoon sharing their music, the history around blues music, how they come up with songs, information about the different kinds of instruments they were playing and more! It was an awesome afternoon! There was an extra special fan in the group, Kiko, who is Brandon’s daughter.
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