May 19, 2014
1. Community Workers
The Kindergarten classes are busy learning about community workers and how they help us. So far they have had a visit from the police and the paramedics. Next week the firefighters arrive!
2. Playland
The grade 4 and 5 classes went to Playland this week and had loads of fun all the while learning about simple machines. Who knew science could be so exciting!
3. Grade 7 Camp
The grade 7 students had an excellent time at camp this past week. The weather was outstanding and the kids had loads of fun trying various activities such as horse back riding, rock climbing, the rope challenge course, archery and more! Camp fire skits were hilarious and bedtime of course was full of laughter! It was a treat spending three days with this amazing group of students. Thank you to Mr. McInnes, Mr. Harrison, Mr. Jacobs, Mr. Woelk, Mrs. Roxburgh, Mrs. Helme, Mrs. Medeiros, Mrs. Schlamp and Mrs. Mathieu, Mrs. Helps, and Mrs. Clement who were brave enough to join us! Most of all a huge thank you to Ms. Villeneuve, Mrs. Farrer and Mr. Raphael for organizing this outstanding event and giving the kids three days of their non stop energy! (I only picked a few photos as the rest need to be a surprise for the year end video!)