Mustang Moments May 10th

May 11, 2013

1. Squid Dissections

The students of Division 5 were busy learning about the external and internal anatomy of a squid. They followed along with a You tube video and their teachers directions to discover all of the parts outlined during the dissection. Very interesting indeed! They following day they also had an opportunity to try squid. Squid was cooked (not the dissected ones from the day before!) and the kids were able to try squid fried with butter and onions. From my understanding they really enjoyed it!


2. Sidewalk Chalk

I love the creative expression that happens on the playground when a bucket of side walk chalk is left out on a sunny lunch break. Our Youth Care Worker Mrs. Duralia watched and encouraged two of our older students work all lunch break long to trace a group of our little ones on the playground. They then added details to their drawings to create a fun piece of art on the playground!

3. PAC Staff Appreciation Luncheon

On Wednesday the parents of Langley Meadows went well out of their way to create a lovely luncheon for the staff. What a special gift this was for all of us to be able to sit together, share good food and feel very pampered. We appreciate all of the parents support so much at Langley Meadows and love that we work along side of each other to make our school the very best place for our kids to learn. Thank you for this special event.

4. Farmers at LMCS!

Division 6 has started to grow potatoes at school and the plants are really taking off!

You may know about the amazing programs that the BC Agriculture in the Classroom Foundation is doing for schools across the province. One such program includes the free fruit and vegetables that schools receive every few weeks to encourage children to try various fruits and vegetables. LM benefits from this program and we enjoy a healthy snack on behalf of aitc every few weeks.

Another program, which Div. 6 is involved in, is called “Spuds in Tubs” where all schools enrolled in the program receive the tools and instructions to grow their very own potatoes. They start by planting the seed potatoes in tubs of soil and tend them until they are ready to be harvested. Workshop demonstrations are also offered to teachers who are interested in the program, so they will be able to use their hands-on learning and bring back contagious enthusiasm for growing potatoes to their students. I believe the kids are super excited to be growing their very own food.


Langley Meadows Community School

2244 - Willoughby Way, Langley
BC, V2Y 1C1
Phone: 604-530-4101
Fax: 604-530-3751