Mustang Moments March 7th

March 8, 2014

1. New School Mural

We are pleased to unveil a new mural outside of our school’s front entrance. Artist Brandon Gabriel completed his beautiful rendition of our school mascot the mustang, and it is amazing!

Below is Brandon’s artist statement:

My vision for the Langley Meadows Community School Project is to honour and respect past work by artists such as Xwalacktun (Rick Harry), whose legacy I respect and admire greatly, and to also update and expand on that vision by past Staff, Students, and artists who have contributed to the spirit, pride, and respect of the school.

In keeping with the main theme of the school mascot, “The Mustang”, I feel that this is one of the most important pieces in the overall concept of the new school logo. The Mustang is symbolic of a fighting spirit and strength, which instills pride in the school, as this is what the school should aspire to be in all their efforts.

The Wolf, is the clan Crest of the Kwantlen People. Langley Meadows Community School is situated on the traditional territory of the Kwantlen People who have lived on this land for thousands of years. The Kwantlen are a Coast Salish People, who speak Hun’ke’men’um, a language unique to the Lower Mainland and Eastern Coastline of Vancouver Island. The Kwantlen People still thrive in Langley and are an important part of the community. The Wolf represents family, patience, learning through community teachings, togetherness, and responsibility for self and others.

The Thunderbird, is the most ancient and powerful symbol of the Kwantlen People, it represents power, protection, and strength, and is a symbol that is meant to protect and watch over the staff and students of Langley Meadows Community School, and the community of Langley.

The overall design is intended to respect the teachings of those who have taught at the school, and to respect and give inspiration for school spirit and pride for present and future generations.

By Brandon Gabriel

2. Jump Rope For Heart Kick Off Assembly

Next Friday, March 14th we will be skipping all day at school to raise awareness around heart disease for the Heart and Stroke Foundation. Over the past 14 years, Langley Meadows has raised over $60,000 for the Heart and Stroke Foundation! Amazing! This money is used to support research which helps doctors and nurses better understand this disease which in turns saves peoples lives, people like my mom who has had a quadruple by pass. We are sending home pledge information today and hope that you will once again help us raise funds for this great cause. Thank you for your support in advance.

3. Basketball Season

This week the kids completed the basketball season with play off tournaments on Tuesday and Wednesday. All of the teams played incredibly hard and represented Langley Meadows with pride! The Grade 7 girls came in 2nd place, the Grade 7 boys came in 5th place, the Grade 6 girls played hard and had one win and a few close games the Grade 6 boys placed 1st! Thank you to all of the coaches for their dedication staying at the tournaments until after 7pm, thank you to all of the parents for coming to cheer the kids on and a HUGE thank you to all of the kids who played so hard.

4. Science Tastes Good

Miss V’s class had a great afternoon of testing out their scientific hypothesis’. They were conducting investigations into properties of matter asking “Can a liquid turn into a solid?” They tested this hypothesis by putting a liquid mixture, cream, milk, vanilla and sugar, in a small ziplock bag into a larger ziplock bag filled with ice and then shaking it like crazy! They discussed chemical mixtures and compounds when they added salt to the ice discovering that this lowers the temperature of the ice making it colder. Which in turn made their liquid ice cream mixture freeze even faster.

It was a great science lesson with a yummy ending! Great thinking Miss V!

Langley Meadows Community School

2244 - Willoughby Way, Langley
BC, V2Y 1C1
Phone: 604-530-4101
Fax: 604-530-3751