Mustang Moments March 1st

March 1, 2019

Urban Safari

Mrs. Schlacht’s class won a visit from Urban Safari for selling the most Entertainment Books in September. Urban Safari came with various creatures for the class to explore and learn about. Super cool! Mrs. Schlacht even put a tarantula on her baby bump! Yikes!

Diversity Week

This week the Langley School District celebrated Diversity Week. Having an intense focus on kindness and inclusion during lessons all week. Of course this is important every day but having it be top of mind each day this week was very powerful.

Centennial Museum

Mrs. Tulloch’s class had a trip to the Centennial Museum to Explore Fraser Valley Families. Students learned about basic human, family and community needs; they discussed similarities and differences between the needs of early First Nations and European families and those of today’s families. Students handled historical artifacts, discussed seasonal activities of First Nations, and played pioneer and traditional First Nations’ games. What a great trip! Did you know that the Centennial Museum also pays for one bus trip per class each school year – super generous!


Division 3 has been learning about the human heart and today they made blood! Perfect lesson to coincide with the Jump Rope For Heart Assembly!


Langley Meadows Community School

2244 - Willoughby Way, Langley
BC, V2Y 1C1
Phone: 604-530-4101
Fax: 604-530-3751