Mustang Moments March 16th

March 16, 2018

Reading Link Challenge

Monday afternoon our three school teams participated in the school based reading link challenge to see who would move to the next district challenge held against other schools. The competition was so close as all of the students knew their books so well! But one team did have the most points in the end and will represent LMCS at the district final. Thank you to all of the students who joined the challenge: Sophie, Jaidyn, Amelia, Victoria, Skylar, Cole, Elliot, Jessica, Logan, Abigail, Jacob, and congratulations to the team moving forward; Chloe, Brooklyn, Rhys, Kaeden, Lily and Jayden. Woohoo!

Spring is in the Air

You can always tell when Jump Rope For Heart and Spring are upon us as it is skipping craziness around the school!

Scholastic Book Sale

Once again the scholastic book sale was a success where many students got new books to treasure over Spring Break and the school also received funds to put towards books for the school library. Thank you to all of the families who supported this event. A huge thank you to Mrs. Hamilton for organizing this for our school and spending hours selling books!

Spring Art

Mrs. Faubert’s class was learning about the signs of Spring and different shapes. Here they were practicing using different techniques with watercolours – very wet paint for the puddle, using a very small brush for details, and using their pinky fingers to make raindrops. A great way to celebrate Rainbow day on Friday!

Bake Sale

We have such an amazing staff who baked up a storm this week for an after school bake sale. All proceeds will go to a LMCS family. Thank you to all of the staff that participated and helped out in some capacity and thank you to all of the families that were brave enough to eat our treats!

Going the Distance

Mrs. Brenneman’s class were testing their car slope and load challenge for their simple machines unit in science.

Super cool

Sunny and Adam explore the force of magnets using this super cool toy!

Jump Rope For Heart

What a great day of skipping! A huge thank you to Dr. Sheppard and all of the UFV volunteers for helping with this event. As always a big thank you to Mrs. Erickson for providing our students with so many different opportunities involving physical activity :O)

Langley Meadows Community School

2244 - Willoughby Way, Langley
BC, V2Y 1C1
Phone: 604-530-4101
Fax: 604-530-3751