Mustang Moments June 9th

June 9, 2017

Track Meet

The Grade 4 and 5 students represented LMCS at the district track meet this week and they did a great job! A huge thank you to Mrs. Erickson for making the day happen. Thank you to Mrs. Brenneman and Coach Ryk for helping the day of. Great pictures from Coach Ryk as well!

High Jump

As part of the track meet students participated the day prior in the high jump event. Amazed at how high these kids could jump!!

Cultus Lake

Although it rained the grade 5’s had a fun filled day at the waterslides!

Sports Day

The weather co-operated and it was a super day filled with fun all day long! Huge thank you’s to Ms. Villeneuve and her Grade 7 students from Yorkson who came and led the stations until lunch, to Mr. Ferguson for picking the YCMS kids up in his Youth Unlimited bus, to Dr. Sheppard’s university students who also came to help run stations in the afternoon, all of the parents, Mrs. Syme and lelem’ Arts and Cultural Cafe for donating the coffee and cookies, the PAC for organizing coffee, freezies and hot lunch and the biggest thank you to Mrs. Erickson for making the day happen! We had so much fun!

Langley Meadows Community School

2244 - Willoughby Way, Langley
BC, V2Y 1C1
Phone: 604-530-4101
Fax: 604-530-3751