Mustang Moments June 8th

June 8, 2018

District Track and Field

A group of our grade 4 and 5 students went to McLeod Athletic Park on Wednesday to compete in the district track meet. The kids did their very best in all events and represented LM’s in the highest fashion! So proud of the team! A huge thank you to Mrs. Hamilton and Mrs. Erickson for giving up all of their after school time for practices in order to make this happen.

French Restaurant Day

Division 1 culminated their third term French unit “la Table” and “au Restaurant “ by making Ratatouille! Si delicieux!

Grade 5 Cultas Lake Waterslides

The grade 5’s had a day filled with fun as a grade group as the year ends and they get ready to head to Yorkson Creek Middle School. They have been such an amazing group of grade 5 leaders and we have so enjoyed them.

Staff Luncheon

What a treat to have such a lovely lunch organized for all of the staff by the PAC. Thank you for spoiling us and thank you to all of the parents who dropped off goodies for us to eat! A big thank you to Lisa Briggs for organizing the entire event.

Langley Meadows Community School

2244 - Willoughby Way, Langley
BC, V2Y 1C1
Phone: 604-530-4101
Fax: 604-530-3751