Mustang Moments June 2nd

June 2, 2017


We are very lucky to have one of our parents teaching our gym classes how to play cricket. Not a sport that we usually know much about so a great opportunity to broaden our horizons! Thank you for all of the time that you are spending with our school.

School Liaison Officer

We are lucky to have a great relationship with our school liaison officer, Constable Cormier. She is often at the school just stopping by to say hello, to check in, or she is busy in classrooms teaching lessons alongside the classroom teachers. This week she came to visit some of the Kindergarten classes to talk about community helpers. The kids were thrilled to see the police cars flashing lights and noisy sirens!

Bugs Life

Division 13, 14, 15 had a visit from LEPS this week and they brought along buckets of bugs! The kids had a great time exploring and learning all about a bugs life.


A few of our students were chosen to be part of a special day at Playland this week and they had a great time!

Thank you

This was the week of thank you’s! The school staff celebrated all of the volunteers on Thursday morning at a brunch and then Friday the parents organized a lovely lunch for the school staff. Together as a team we make Langley Meadows a great place for kids! Thank you to everyone for making these special brunches and lunches happen, I know they are lots of extra work.

Langley Meadows Community School

2244 - Willoughby Way, Langley
BC, V2Y 1C1
Phone: 604-530-4101
Fax: 604-530-3751