June 23, 2013
1. Potato Harvesting
Div. 6 and Div. 20 were able to harvest their potato crop this week! The older students were a huge help as the little ones dug through the dirt looking for potatoes! What joy it brings to kids when they can see the end result of their efforts. They helped plant the potatoes and look after them for the last few months and voila- potatoes!
2. Bowling
The grade 3 classes went bowling as a year end celebration. What a great afternoon and a lovely way to end the year with great friends.
3. Butterfly release
The kindergarten classes have been raising butterflies and this week they were finally able to release them into the wild! It was very exciting to be part of! As we watched the butterflies fly away into the world we clapped with joy!
4. KM club celebration
This was my first experience with Langley Meadows KM club and I was so leased to see so many students running laps each day at recess and lunch! Today we had an assembly to celebrate all of the students who accomplished half marathons and full marathons. Each half marathon student was presented with a certificate awhile the full marathon runner received a certificate and a t-shirt! Way to go everyone. I can’t wait to see you all running again next year.

5. Principal for the Day
Earlier in the year Levi won a contest with Mrs. Lenko and his price was to be the principal for the day and to have a special lunch with a friend and with Mrs. Lenko. Of course the best part was that they got to ride in Mrs. Lenko’s convertible!
6. Grade 7 Farewell
What a lovely event this was for our grade 7 students. The gym was transformed into a 1950’s soda shop, the speeches were heart warming and the students looked fabulous! Thank you to all of the parents who made this night a special memory for our kids. I know many of you helped decorate, Mrs. Wilson created the yearbook and dvd and Mrs. Robinson and Mrs. Sutherland were the major event organizers throughout the whole year who made it all come to fruition!