June 21, 2015
1. Water Park
Students in Grade One enjoyed a wonderful and warm day at the Water Park this week. They had a blast!
2. Kilometer Club Celebration
Many of the students worked very hard running laps each day at recess and lunch to achieve either a half or full marathon. These students were celebrated this week with certificates and marathon t-shirts! Way to go, kids! Thank you to Mrs. Randa who organizes this event each year and for the many staff members who help keep it going every day at lunch.
3. Published Authors
The students in Mrs. Cunningham’s class are publishers! The title of their book is “We Want to Make the World a Better Place.”
4. Spuds in Tubs Program
Each year many of our classrooms participate in this program offered by Agriculture in the Classroom. Students are given everything they need to plant seed potatoes and watch them grow. Here students are harvesting their crop and enjoying their hard work.
5. Fort to Fort
It was a beautiful day for a hike! No rain and partly cloudy. The grade 2’s started at Fort Langley and hiked the 5 km trail to Derby Reach.
6. Class Goal Met!
Division 8 met their classroom goal and had a S’Mores celebration! They built 3D structures, catapults, and of course, enjoyed a s’mores or three!
7. Animal Presentations
Students of Ms. Spaulding’s class completed research projects on an animal of their choosing ending with a presentation about their findings. Here some of the students show their poster boards!
8. Buddy Potatoes
Mrs. Moir’s class and their Little Buddies from Mrs. Richardson’s class harvested their potatoes on Friday. There were lots of discussions and happy faces as the kids looked for the original seed potatoes (now mushy, of course!), pulled all the potatoes out of the dirt, and counted them up. Pots had from 35 to 53 potatoes in each one. We wondered why there would be such a difference between the five tubs? Buddies were also busy writing and drawing their observations of what the plants and potatoes looked like at harvest time. We planted the seed potatoes in early spring. The best part is still to come – eating the potatoes next week!! Thanks to Agriculture Canada for their awesome Spuds in Tubs Program!
9. Yorkson Visit
The grade five students had an opportunity this week to head up to Yorkson Creek Middle School to get to know their new school for September. It was a great day of fun and settling in for the students.
10. Aboriginal Celebration
The kids had a special gathering with Mrs. Helps this week coming together for a special luncheon and drumming.
11. Backwards Day
The final spirit day for the year saw students looking backwards all day!