June 14, 2019
Art Creations
A beautiful creation for Mrs. Boyce from two of her kids :O)
Mrs. Osborne’s class was busy creating catapults for the Applied Design Skills and Technology curriculum – they had to design their prototype, test it out and then redesign. The testing it out was the fun part!! I heard Mrs. Osborne say to the kids “the is the first time you will hear a teacher say, try and hit me!”
Principal for the Day
Beckham’s prize from the Entertainment book fundraiser in September was to be the principal for part of the day and have lunch with a friend. Here they are just sitting around eating pizza and having rootbeer! This is what I do everyday as the principal!!
Welcome Baby Isabella
Mrs. Schlacht had a beautiful baby girl early Monday morning. We were over the moon! Welcome baby girl.
Sport’s Day
What a great day! Sunny but not too hot and so many fun activities for kids! A HUGE thank you to Mrs. Erickson for organizing this event, the parent volunteers, the volunteers from the RBC, and the students from the University of the Fraser Valley.
Egg Drop
Division 11 students were given supplies and told that they needed to create an egg container/contraption that could sustain a fall. Every group of 2 kids successfully completed the first fall of 4 ft and two groups were able to protect their egg from a fall of 14ft!

Divisions 4, 5 and 6 went to the HR Macmillan Space Centre, a place that brings the wonders of space to Earth. The students had to create a moon launch and they also visited the cosmic garden.