Mustang Moments January 26th

January 26, 2018

Basketball Practice

Some of our grade 5 students have joined the LMCS basketball team and are getting ready to play other schools on the slope in a mini grade 5 basketball league! Thank you to Mrs. Hamilton, Ms. Clipsham, Mr. Richardson and Mrs. Erickson for giving of their time to make this happen for our kids.

TWU student nurses

Each year we welcome a group of student nurses from Trinity Western University who come to work with our kids as part of their nurse training. They do various health lessons in classrooms and we are so pleased to have them each year. This past Thursday the nurses did hand washing lessons with the kindergartens and some grade 1 classes. Using a black light was a fun way for the kids to see the germs left behind even after they had washed their hands!

Crazy Hair Day

So amazed at all who participated and truly in awe of some of the hair styles!!

Family Literacy Day

Saturday, January 27th is Family Literacy Day so in honour of that we started Friday morning with family/buddy reading. A nice way for kids to share a story. We hope that at some point tomorrow you can take a moment to have some literacy fun as a family!

Check out some ideas at:

Valentines Crafts

Some of the kids gearing up for our next big holiday!

Langley Meadows Community School

2244 - Willoughby Way, Langley
BC, V2Y 1C1
Phone: 604-530-4101
Fax: 604-530-3751