Mustang Moments January 19th

January 19, 2018

Simon Fraser Student Teachers

A big welcome to 32 brand new sfu student teachers! This is the second year we have hosted an sfu cohort of student teachers here at Langley Meadows Community School and we are thrilled to have them back again this year. They spend time here learning with their sfu facility advisors, time in our classrooms watching our amazing staff and then time away once they are placed in a school for a practicum. This Friday morning they spent the morning in our classrooms working with kids and they were excited to start their teaching journey.

No Name Calling Week

This week all classrooms focused on “No Name Calling Week”. Each class did the same lesson, discussing name calling and how hurtful this is. Students talked about how making different choices could make our school a more kind place. Each student then made a flower with their own message around kindness which we used to create a beautiful bulletin board. A big thank you to Ms. D for organizing this kindness activity.

Langley Meadows Community School

2244 - Willoughby Way, Langley
BC, V2Y 1C1
Phone: 604-530-4101
Fax: 604-530-3751