February 2, 2014
1. Ready Set Learn
Monday afternoon was this year’s first RSL session. All preschool aged children were encouraged to attend with their parents for a fun afternoon. Ready, Set, Learn is all about providing good information about how to support a young child’s early learning and development. It also develops positive connections between families and the school. The kids get to make crafts, sing songs, play games, have a snack and leave with a goodie bag! Our next session is on March 4th and we hope you can join us. Please call the office to register.
2. Basketball Games
Both the boys and girls had basketball games this week. They played hard and had fun! Thanks to everyone who came out to cheer them on.
3. Ski and Snowboard Program
The kids had day two of the ski and snow board program this week and had another great day of lessons and practice time. They even had some snow fall while they were there!
4. Cst. Fitzgerald
Our school is so lucky to have a close relationship with our school liaison officer, Cst. Fitzgerald. She is often at our school working with different classes around various topics and will come and help us with any request. This week Cst. Fitzgerald was in two classes, Mrs. Cunningham’s class was learning about community workers and had well thought out questions to ask Cst. Fitzgerald. Next she was in Mrs. Moir’s class with a special guest Fergus who is a puppy in training to be a police dog. Thank you, Cst. Fitzgerald, for all that you do for our school.
5. Buddies
This week Mrs. McArthur’s class had help from their big buddies in Mrs. Lacroix’s class as they were learning about hibernating bears. Mrs. Lacroix thinks the big buddies had just as much fun as the little ones :O)

6. Eric Wilson
We were lucky to have the author Eric Wilson spend the day with us on Thursday talking to the kids about the writing process. He shared his books with the students and talked about how to acquire and develop ideas and characters and how traveling to different places can create story settings. All the while Mr. Wilson had the kids engaged by telling stories and asking them questions. It was a great day which we hope inspired a few young authors in the crowd.
(Sorry, I have more Eric Wilson pictures at school on the school camera so I will add them tomorrow. I only had a few on my phone at home.)
7. Teddy Bear Picnic
It was time again in Mrs. McArthur’s class for the kids to have a teddy bear picnic. They had snacks to share and then had to go on a hunt for honey pots.. Fun indeed!
8. Langley United Youth Soccer Association
We were so lucky to have the LUYSA spend the week with our students teaching them soccer skills, how to have good sportsmanship and information around the game of soccer. The coaches were here each day spending time with the kids having fun while teaching the kids skills. It was all volunteer time on behalf of the club and it was an incredible gift for our school, we so appreciate their time and enthusiasm!